Many instructors prefer to publish the feedback and scores that have been provided on assignments to the whole class at one time. This tutorial demonstrates how to publish multiple assignment scores in MyFIRE.

1.     Locate the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.     Select the Instructor Tools tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

3.     Then select Course Admin from the drop-down menu.

4.     Select Assignments from the Assessment options.

5.     When the page loads, a list of the assignments that have been created in the course will appear. From this page, instructors are able to view if there are new submissions from students, the number of students who have completed the assignments, the number of assignments evaluated, the number of assignments where the feedback has been published, and the assignment due date if added. Select the desired assignment.

6.     When the page refreshes, locate the students whose scores you would like to publish.

7.     Select the checkbox to the left of the student’s name.

8.     Then select the publish feedback link above the list of student submissions.

9.     A confirmation message will appear to confirm that you would like to continue publishing the scores. Select OK.

10.  When the page refreshes, view the evaluation status for each student’s submission to confirm that the scores and feedback have been published.

a.     If needed, navigate to the Grades tab to confirm that the newly published scores appear in the grade book if the assignment has been associated with a grade item.

Updated by ID&T on 2/12/2024