Faculty that need to submit a grade change may do so in JICS. Please follow the instructions below to submit your grade change. Faculty should no longer email grade changes to the Office Registrar for processing. Faculty who awarded an ‘I’ incomplete grade to one or more students in a prior semester must enter a grade change by the end of the following semester or the ‘I’ grade will automatically convert to ‘F’. Faculty will be able to view a list of all students with an incomplete within JICS.
Step 1. Grade Change: Log into JICS. Unless you have made changes, the User Name is your ID# and the Password is the last 4 of your SS# (if you forgot your password you can click ‘I forgot my password’ and follow the prompts to reset it). Step 2. Grade Change: Select the ‘Faculty’ tab. Then select Grade Change Entry in the left side bar. Step 3. Incomplete Grades Display: This listing is to provide assistance as you work with students that were awarded an incomplete. More information on incompletes is listed on the reverse side of this sheet.
Step 3. Grade Change Entry: Select the Grade Change Entry Form – and then once more. Step 4. Grade Change Entry: Enter the student’s ID number – this will populate the student’s first and last name, make sure you are on the correct student before proceeding. Step 5. Grade Change Entry: Complete all the other required fields using the dropdowns and then click Submit. Keep in mind we follow the academic year example: 2019-20 Fall (2019), 2019-20 Spring (2020) and 2019-20 Summer (2020). When the grade change has been processed you will receive an automated email as confirmation. Please keep in mind the following are the deadline for incomplete to be submitted: Incompletes awarded in Fall: the students have through the end of the Spring semester. Incompletes awarded in Spring or Summer: students have through the end of the Fall semester. If you have any questions regarding grade changes, please contact one of the Assistant Registrar, Marcia Pumphrey at mapumphrey@seu.edu or Renee Beals at mrbeals@seu.edu.