Preview an Assignment


While designing and/or assessing assignments, it can be valuable for instructors to view the assignments as students would view and experience the assignments. This tutorial demonstrates how to preview an assignment in MyFIRE. 

1.    Navigateto the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select the Instructors tools tab at the top of the page.  


3.    A drop down menu will appear. Select course admin.


4.    When the page refreshes, locate and select assignments


5.    When the page refreshes again, a list of assignments that have been created in the course will appear. Select more actions at the top of the page. 


6.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select preview


7.    The page will refresh again, and the assignments will be visible from the students’ view. To view a specific assignment as the student would view the assignment page, select the assignment title.


8.    Once done reviewing the assignment(s) from the student view, select exit preview at the top of the page. 


Note: If reviewing a specific assignment in preview mode, if the assignments breadcrumb is selected, a not authorized error message will appear. To avoid this from happening, select exit preview or the back arrow on the browser page instead.