In a MyFIRE course, instructors are able to create video
assignments which allow learners to respond to course learning materials
through remote video presentations. Additionally, students can complete peer
reviews of each other's presentations if enabled in the video assignment
settings. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a peer review video
assignment. Note: Video submissions cannot be larger than 1GB.
1. Log into MyFIRE and access your course.
2. Select Content & Assessments from the
navigation bar at the top of the page.
3. Select the module/sub-module that the video
assignment should be listed within.
4. Next, select Existing Activities.
5. From the drop-down menu, select Video
6. A pop-up window will appear. Select Individual.
7. The pop-up window will refresh. Type the
assignment title in the designated field.
8. If desired, select a due date (optional). Select
the date and time you would like the assignment to be due.
9. Add instructions for the assignment in the
Instructions field by typing in the textbox or selecting the camera icon to
record or add video instructions.
10. If
the camera icon is selected, a pop-up window will appear where you are able to
choose to record a video, upload a video, or select from resources, which would
be videos you have already recorded.
11. Scroll
down and select More options.
12. There
is an option to leave a Post-Submission message for students to see after they
have submitted to the assignment. Type in the textbox or select the camera icon
to record or add a video message.
13. The
Show instructor feedback before evaluation setting is enabled by default. This
will allow students to see feedback from the instructor before the grade has
been published.
14. Select
Evaluation from the menu on the left.
15. Select
the Evaluation drop-down menu to determine how students will be evaluated on
this assignment.
16. The
options are Percentage, Auto-Pass, Five-Star, and Pass/Fail.
17. Next,
select Peer Review from the menu on the left.
18. The
Peer Review setting is enabled by default.
19. Scrolling
down in the window, decide the number of peer reviews you would like each
student to complete, and type the number in the corresponding box.
20. Select
More options.
21. There
are a few settings that are unable to be changed based on the account settings.
If you would like to add a due date for students to complete their peer
reviews, scroll down to the Due Date field and designate a date and time.
22. Once
you have entered all of the necessary information, select Save in the top right
corner of the window.