Outline a Course Through Course Builder


Course Builder enables you to build a course outline, create and edit course materials and assignments, and manage grades all from one central location using a drag and drop interface, allowing you to visualize and review your entire course at once while building the course. 


As you build your course, Course Builder interacts with the following MyFIRE tools:

·       Content

·       Manage Files

·       Discussions

·       Assignments

·       Quizzes

·       Grades


As you build your course outline with modules and placeholders, you can add notes to each module and placeholder summarizing your course goals and learning objectives. When you are ready, populate your outline by creating appropriate content and activities within Course Builder. This tutorial demonstrates how to design and outline a course utilizing the course builder tool in MyFIRE. 

1.    Navigateto the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select the Instructor Tools tab at the top of the page.  


3.    Then select Course Admin from the drop-down menu.

4.    Select Course Builder from the Site Resources tools. 


5.    When the page refreshes, select start at the bottom of the page. 


6.    When the page refreshes, the Course Builder user interface will appear. It consists of three sections: (A) the toolbox, (B) the course tree, and (C) the selected panel


7.    The Build Outline area within the toolbox provides module and placeholder elements that can be added to create the course outline. To begin building your course outline, select create a module from the build outline area and drag and drop it into the course tree area in the middle of the page. The course tree displays the hierarchy of your course content as a series of nested modules, placeholders, or objects. Note: Each placeholder or object in the course tree includes an icon indicating its type. This can help you to see what's in your course at a glance.


a.    A pop-up window will appear. Enter a title in the name field. 

b.    Then add notes in the editor textbox. If needed, refer to the MyFIRE Editor tutorial for directions on how to utilize the editor. Note: Students are not able to see the notes that are created.  

c.     If desired, add start and end dates if desiring to hide the content from students’ view until or after a certain date. However, ID&T does not recommend adding start and end dates because adding start dates would create a time restricted flow of access. If any students fall behind and/or wants to work ahead of schedule, they would need special access for each restricted item (content and/or assessments). 

d.    Select create at the bottom of the pop-up window. 

e.    Repeatthe process (steps 6-6d) to add as many modules as desired. 

f.      If needing to reorder the modules, select and drag the module(s) to the desired location on the course tree. The module that is outline in orange is the module that you have selected. 

                                               i.     When reordering the modules, you are able to tell where you are placing the module that is being moved. When a black line appears, the module will be moved to that specific location in the course tree (before or after another module). 

                                              ii.     When a module is highlighted yellow, the module that is being moved will become a submodule of the module that is highlighted.

                                            iii.     As an alternative to dragging and dropping modules in the desired locations, you may also select the drop-down arrow to the right of the module title. 

1.    Then select move up, move down, or move to.

g.    To delete a module, select the drop-down arrow to the right of the module title. 

                                               i.     Then select remove from the available options. 


8.    Then drag and drop a link, file, discussion, assignment, and/or quiz placeholders into the desired modules to create your course structure. This enables you to plan out your lectures, discussion topics, assignments, tests, and other course activities before actually creating them.

a.    A pop-up window will appear. Enter a title in the name field. 

b.    Then add notes in the editor textbox. If needed, refer to the MyFIRE Editor tutorial. 

c.     Select create at the bottom of the pop-up window. 

d.    Repeatthe process (steps 7-7c) to add as many link, file, discussion, assignment, and/or quiz placeholders as desired.

9.    If desiring to create placeholders for the content and assessments themselves in the course, select and drag the create a link, HTML file (a web page), discussion topic, assignment, quiz, and grade item objects from the Add Content area into the desired placeholder. 


Note: ID&T highly recommends building the assessments through the tools themselves (assignments, quizzes, and discussions) because the assessment settings available through the Course Builder page are simplified, and therefore, are missing advanced settings and features (such as adding rubrics, creating group assessments, adding special access, release conditions, special access, enabling Turnitin and Respondus, and more).

If the course content includes integrated material, such as McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Cengage, or Achieve, please contact idtsupport@seu.edu to ensure that the content has been properly setup and connected. Also, do not select the Cengage icon if it appears in your course. 


a.    A pop-up window will appear. Depending the type of content item or assessment that was added, the required fields will change. Fill out the required fields, including the title, instructions, attachments, max scores, grade items, and availability dates. 

b.    Then select create at the bottom of the pop-up window. 


10. If desiring to add assessments and/or content items that have already been created in the course to the course tree, select either course files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, or grade item from the Browse Tools area. 

a.    Once a tool has been selected, the Toolbox area will change to show the available items that has already been created for that specific tool. 



Note: Only published assignments will appear in the tool list.  

                                               i.     To add the assessment or content item to the course tree, select the item’s title

                                              ii.     The Toolbox area will then show the details of the specific assessment or content item. Review the item details if needed, scroll down the page, and select add to course or add to object (for grade items and learning objectives) at the bottom of the page.  

                                            iii.     A pop-up window will appear. Choose the location that the assessment or content item should be nested under in the course tree by selecting the gray plus boxes to the left of the desired module and/or submodule. 

                                            iv.     Select the module or submodule title. The item will be added to the course tree. 

b.    To navigate back to the original Browse Tools area on the main page, select the green back arrow at the top of the Toolbox. 


11. When an item is selected from the course tree, the selected panel displays details of the specific modules, placeholders, or objects and allows you to to perform actions on that item. 


From the selected panel, you can:  


a.    Launch the item's associated system tool.


b.    Edit planning notes.


c.     Edit the Assessment or Content item.


d.    Change the visibility of the item to publish or hide (draft) the item from students’ view. 


e.    Review general properties.