Locate a Syllabus in an Online Course


As a student, one of the first items that you will want to review when you access a new course for the first time is the course syllabus. The course syllabus will list many important pieces of information about the course you will be taking: 

·       The instructor’s contact information and availability

·       Course Materials

·       Course Learning Outcomes

·       Policies & Expectations of Student Responsibilities

·       Course Schedule

·       Grade Calculations 


This tutorial demonstrates how to locate a course syllabus within an online course in MyFIRE. 

1.    Navigate to the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select the content & assessments tab from the navigation bar at the top of the page. 


3.    When the page refreshes, on the left side of the screen under the table of contents, locate and select the get started module. 


4.    Once the Get Started module is selected, in the center of the screen, select the course resources & materials title listed in blue. 


5.    When the page refreshes, select the course syllabus & policies link to open and review the syllabus for the course.


6.    Once finished reviewing the syllabus, be sure to:


o   Purchase your course materials if any are required

o   Review SEU’s technical requirements

o   Complete the Student Acknowledgement survey (listed under the Content tab)

o   Review the MyFIRE training tutorials in the MyFIRE Student Resource course if needed to learn how to navigate and utilize the MyFIRE system.

o   If needed, review any additional policies and information within the SEU University Catalog. 


7.    Next, read through the remaining material listed on the Course Resources & Materials page if there is any additional information. This information will provide you with some additional directions or insight into the course that you are taking and could be different in each course.