Follett Discover (accessed through MyFIRE) allows you to easily discover, research, and adopt course materials all in one place. In addition to adopting traditional print materials, Follett Discover makes it easy to search and adopt non-traditional materials such as YouTube videos, open education resources, and MOOC content. This tutorial demonstrates how to adopt textbooks in Follett Discover.

Note: All courses must have an adoption even if the course is using an OER. Simply follow the instructions below in step 8b and select ‘No Materials Needed.’

Are you teaching an Online or Extension Site Class?

The Digital Learning department is responsible for submitting these adoptions. Please do NOT adopt books for your class(es). Contact Digital Learning by emailing ( with any questions.

Would you like your materials to be a part of Follett Access?

·      Follett Access is when the bookstore is responsible for delivering the course materials to the students.

·      Students will receive a course material fee on their student account.

·      The bookstore works with the publisher on special pricing, which ultimately is price savings for students.

·      Students have access to their materials 1-2 weeks BEFORE classes begin.

If you would like your course materials to be a part of this program, adopt existing Follett Access materials, or want more information, please contact Maria Crossan (


Help your Students by Adopting!


1.        Log into MyFIRE.

2.        Scroll down until you see the SEU Bookstore section and select the picture to access Follett Discover.

3.        A new tab will open and load Discover.

a.        If prompted, select Faculty.

4.        Select the Term from the drop-down menu if needing to switch between terms.

a.        UF/GF/AF – Fall

b.        US/GS/AS – Spring

c.        UU/GU – Summer

5.        Select Update.

6.        The courses that you are assigned to teach in Jenzabar will appear.

7.        Select Manage by Section to show all listed courses to ensure that the adoptions are being entered for the correct section(s).

8.        Complete one of the following to adopt the course materials:

a.        If materials need to be adopted, enter the course ISBN or subject into the field.

                                                                                             i.         Select Discover Course Material

b.        If there are no materials or OERs used in the course, select No Materials Needed.

9.        After selecting Discover Course material and an ISBN is entered, the page will refresh and show the material. If wanting to adopt the book, select View Details.

10.  The page will refresh again and open the book details. On the right-hand side under the pricing information, choose if the book will be required, recommended, or choice.

11.  Next, select Adopt.

12.  If the same book is being adopted for multiple sections:

a.        Select Manage Adoption for Multiple Courses.

b.        The page will refresh. Scroll down to see all courses within your Discover profile.

c.        Select the checkbox next to the desired Courses and choose the desired Materials Usage options.

d.        After the selection has been made, select Adopt and Return to Course at the bottom of the page.

13.  If needing to adopt another material for the same course, enter the ISBN into the search field and select Refine.

14.  The page will refresh and show the book. Repeat steps 9 through 11 to adopt the material.

a.        If the book does not show in the results, the following message will appear: ‘No results were found. Try using our global search, click here’.

b.        Select click here.

c.        In the search bar at the top of the page, enter the ISBN and select Go.

d.        Repeat steps 9 through 11 to adopt the material.

15.  Continue to repeat the steps until all materials have been adopted for each course.


Essential Information You Need To Be Aware Of


If you see a red banner on a course stating ‘We are unable to load your course materials at this time. If this error persists, please contact your campus store.’ This means that the course was recently scheduled and is being loaded into the bookstore system. Please check back in 24 hours to adopt your materials.




After selecting adopt and a red banner shows on the course stating ‘Material not found. Would you like to request materials not found?’ Send an email to Maria Crossen ( and include all of the book information available to you including a purchasing link from Amazon or other site to ensure that the bookstore has everything they need.


Alternatively, if the previously adopted materials are available for quick adoption and the same materials are being used,

a.        Select the checkbox next to the desired material.

b.        Select Adopt Course Material.