ID&T Verbiage
General - 1, Development - 2, Processes/Tools - 3
1: LMS: Learning management systems. Brightspace: The system that powers MyFIRE. Online Course: Courses that are a part of an online program and have been scheduled as fully online courses (ON/OL).
2: Course Writer: The individual is designated by the Chair/Dean and is contracted with ID&T to develop and design the course content. Course Lead: The individual that is designated by the Chair to help oversee the day-to-day functions of the course (course expert). Typically, the course writer is the course lead. PLO: Program learning outcomes. ILO: Intended learning outcomes. Working Master: The course shell is where course content is being developed by the ID&T Instructional Designers. Master Course: The course shell houses the completed  course content that has gone through the development process. The content is imported from the working master. Teaching Sections: These course shells are created in Jenzabar each term and include the instructor and  student enrollments. The master course content imports into the online and extension site teaching sections. Module: A module is a stand-alone instructional unit that is designed to satisfy one or more learning objectives. There are typically 8-16 modules within a course, and each module is a new (or continued) section of the content. Modules are also referred to as “weeks.” Online courses begin on Wednesdays and end on Tuesdays. Aim: This section introduces topics and ideas that will be covered throughout the module. The Aim section will also provide a glimpse into learning objectives and an introduction to the specific module. Learn: T his section contains the modules’ reading assignments and resources such a s websites, articles, videos, diagrams, etc. Apply: This section contains learning assessments that will be graded and may include discussions, activities, assignments, quizzes, exams, and/or projects. These items are listed within the Module without an Apply heading. 
3: Wrap up: This section provides students with a  brief summary of what they learned that week and a preview of what they will be learning in the next week of the course that appears at the end of each module. OER: Open Educational Resource that is available online for free. LOR: Learning Object Repository: A database that houses ID&T’s course development content. Articularte 360: A content authoring suite (similar to Microsoft or Adobe) that houses Rise, Storyline, Review 360, and Studio 360. Rise: A course design tool that is embedded directly into MyFIRE through a zipped scorm package. We are currently only using Rise for our aim and learn sections. Storyline 360: A content design tool that utilizes triggers and action elements to create interactive games such as jeopardy, drag and drop, and many more practice activities (similar to PowerPoint). SCORM Package: A Sharable Content Object Reference  Model is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. SCORM tells programmers how to write their code so that it can “play well” with other eLearning software. This allows multiple eLearning software to all “sync up” to one LMS. Intregration: Publisher course materials (e.g. Pearson, McGraw Hill, etc.) that are either seamlessly added or linked directly to the content area of the course in MyFIRE. The content could include assessments and chapter readings. Technical Inspection: The process in which our Learner Experience Specialists thoroughly test  links, dates, and other general updates in the Master Course Sections before the teaching sections are loaded. Quality Check: The process in which our Learner Experience Specialists enable all special settings required for all teaching sections and add Instructor Information before students gain access to their courses.
SEU Instructional Design and Technology. If you have any questions  please contact us: IDTTRAINING@SEU.EDU