Schedule a Google Meeting in MyFIRE


Google Meet is integrated into the MyFIRE learning platform for convenient access to schedule meetings for both professors and students. This tutorial demonstrates how to schedule a Google Meet session directly in a course within MyFIRE.  

1.    Navigate to the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Instructors are able to schedule Google Meet meetings directly within the MyFIRE editor tool. However, Google Meet meeting titles cannot be customized, therefore, the best locations to create a Google Meet meeting is through the announcement tool and/or the calendar tool. 

a.    Announcement tool

                                               i.     From the course homepage, select the drop-down arrow to the right of the announcements title. 

                                              ii.     When the drop-down menu appears, select new announcement

                                            iii.     Title the announcement in the headline field

                                            iv.     Within the content section, select the quicklinks icon in the MyFIRE editor. 

                                             v.     A pop-up window will appear. Scroll down the list and select Google Meet under the Third Party heading. Note: Ensure that you are not selecting any other tools present within the Third Party quicklink list as selecting would alter the tool within the course. 


                                            vi.     A pop-up window will appear. Follow the steps within the Link Your SEU Email Account to MyFIRE tutorial to authenticate your account to Google if you are prompted to link to your Google Workspace account.

                                           vii.     Once you are authenticated and connected to Google Meet, the pop-up window will refresh and a Join Google Meet link will be entered in the MyFIRE editor textbox. Note: The Google Meet link cannot be edited and the meeting settings cannot be defined during the scheduling process. 

                                         viii.     Continue customizing the announcement as desired with the meeting date, time, and any additional details needed for the meeting. If needed, refer to the how to create an announcement tutorial.

                                            ix.     Select publish or draft at the bottom of the page to save the announcement.


b.    Calendar tool

                                               i.     Select course tools in the navigation bar. 

                                              ii.     A drop-down menu will appear. Select calendar

                                            iii.     Select create an event

                                            iv.     When the page refreshes, name the event in the title field

                                             v.     Within the description section, select the + icon in the MyFIRE editor. 

                                            vi.     A drop-down menu will appear. Select insert quicklink

                                           vii.     A pop-up window will appear. Scroll down the list and select Google Meet under the Third Party heading. Note: Ensure that you are not selecting any other tools present within the Third Party quicklink list as selecting would alter the tool within the course.  

                                         viii.     A pop-up window will appear. Follow the steps within the Link Your SEU Email Account to MyFIRE tutorial to authenticate your account to Google if you are prompted to link to your Google Workspace account.

                                            ix.     Once you are authenticated and connected to Google Meet, the pop-up window will refresh and a Join Google Meet link will be entered in the MyFIRE editor textbox. Note: the Google Meet link cannot be edited.

                                             x.     Continue customizing the calendar event as desired with the meeting date, time, and any additional details needed for the meeting. If needed, refer to the add an event to the calendar tutorial. 

                                            xi.     Select create at the bottom of the page to save the changes.