How to Personalize Your Instagram Account


Your profile is the hub for all of your photos, videos, and settings on Instagram. Here, you can view the pictures you've shared, the people you're following, and who's following you. This tutorial demonstrates how to personalize your Instagram account.

You can write a bio of up to 150 characters on your profile. Please keep in mind that anyone can see your bio.


To edit your bio:

1.    Navigateto your profile.

2.    Select Edit Profile  at the top of the screen.

3.    Write your bio.

4.    Select done or .


To add or change your profile picture:


You can take a new photo or add a photo from your phone's photo library or Facebook. If you choose to import from Facebook, Instagram will use the same picture you're already using for your Facebook profile.


1.    Navigate to your profile. 

2.    Select Edit Profile .

3.    Select Change Profile Photo.

4.    Select where you'd like to import your picture from.

5.    Select done, Next, or Save.