Creating an Intelligent Agent


Intelligent Agents are emails that can be automated and personalized. Use intelligent agents to monitor login activity, course activity, and release conditions in your course. This tutorial demonstrates how to create an intelligent agent in MyFIRE.

1.    Before you begin creating your intelligent agent, decide the following conditions: 

a.    Criteria the agent looks for (could include login activity, course activity, and attached release conditions)

b.    Content of the agent’s email notification. 

c.    How often the agent acts

2.    From within your course, select instructor tools from the navigation bar. 

3.    Select course admin from the drop-down menu.

4.    When the page refreshes, locate and select intelligent agents from the available communication tools.


5.    When the page refreshes, select new agent at the top of the page. 

6.    Enter a title for the agent in the name field.


7.    Enter a description for the agent within the description field. Students will not see the description. 

8.    If desiring to organize your intelligent agents: Click the category drop-down menu and select the desired category

Note: Categorizing intelligent agents provides visual organization to the agent list. Intelligent agent categories are not tied or linked to grades. 

9.    Determine if the agent should be enabled to run and take action. 

a.    If the agent should run and be published, keep the status checked

b.    If you are in editing mode, we recommend unchecking the status checkbox until the agent is ready for publishing. 

10. Next determine if the agent needs to run on a repeated schedule by selecting the frequency schedule drop-down menu and choosing the desired frequency option. The options include: no schedule, one-time run, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and annually,

11. Next, enter the desired criteria for the agent: 

a.    Role in Classlist - Choose if you want the intelligent agent to run for all users in the course or if the agent should only run for designated roles in the course, such as for students, by selecting the appropriate radio button. For example, if you only want active students to receive the agent, select Users with specific roles. 

i.      Then select the Learner (Access) role from the expanded role list. 

b.    Login Activity - If the agent should take action based upon a user’s login activity, whether the activity is based on users logging in or not logging into the MyFIRE system, check the login activity checkbox

i.              Then select the desired login action that the agent should be based on (either login or not logged in). 

ii.            Enter the number of days in the specified text field. 

c.    Course Activity -  If the agent should take action based upon a user’s access to the course, whether the activity is based on users accessing or not accessing the specific course, check the course activity checkbox

i.              Then select the desired course access activity that the agent should be based on (either accessed or not accessed). 

ii.            Enter the number of days in the text field.

d.    Release Conditions -  If the agent should take action based on a user’s completion of a specified task or action in the course, select Create and Attach to create a new release condition or select Attach Existing to add an already created condition from the course to the agent. 

i.              If selecting to create a new agent, a pop-up window will appear. Choose the condition type and condition details according to the type of action that needs to be performed by the agent. Depending on your selections, there may be multiple condition details that need to be selected. 

ii.             Once the condition details have been set, select create at the bottom of the pop-up window. 

12. Then enter the desired actions:

a.            Repetition- Determine how often the agent should take action by choosing if the agent should take action on the first time the agent’s conditions are met or everytime the conditions are satisfied for a specific user by selecting the appropriate radio button. If choosing to take action every time the conditions are met by a user, then the user could receive the agent message multiple times. 

b.            Send an Email- This option allows specified users to receive an automated and personalized email message. To create the email message, select the send an email when the criteria are satisfied checkbox.

i.              Once the checkbox is selected, the page will expand and show additional email options. Review the name that the emails come from and the reply-to address for responses to determine if the default settings are what is desired.

1     If the name that the emails come from and the reply-to address for responses need to be changed, after the intelligent agent has been saved, select the settings icon in the top right corner of the intelligent agent tool page to set custom values.

ii.            Enter the recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields by entering the desired replace strings for the recipient email addresses so that all of the specified users do not receive a copy of the email every time the agent runs. Replace strings allow for the personalization of the automated email without having to enter users’ direct email address or names. View which replace strings can be used in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields by selecting the What special email addresses can I use link. 

iii.           Then enter a subject title in the subject line field. Please note, you can customize the subject line by utilizing the available replace strings. View which replace strings can be used in the subject line by selecting the What replace strings can I use in the subject and message link.

iv.           Next, create the desired message by utilizing the available replace strings in the message field. The standard MyFIRE editor options are also available for message formatting.


13. If desiring to add attachments to the message, select either upload, record, or choose existing.

a.    Upload- This option allows you to upload file directly from your computer.

b.    Record- This option allows you to either record a new video note or or audio message. 

c.    Choose Existing- This option allows you to add files that already exist in the course, from your ePortfolio account, or from an already existing video note. 

14. Determine the email format by either selecting HTML or plain text. HTML is selected by default and is the recommended option from ID&T. 

a.    HTML- A formatted page that could include visual elements. 

b.    Plain Text- Text that contains no formatting and visual elements. 

15. Once done editing the intelligent agent settings, select save and close at the bottom of the page. 

16. When the page refreshes, you will be redirected to the Intelligent Agent tool page. From this page, you can quickly view if the agent is enabled or not enabled by the “X” icon

a.    If the “X” icon is visible to the right of the agent title, the agent is disabled.

b.    If there is no “X” icon to the right of the agent’s title, the agent is active. 

17. Access additional tool for agents by selecting the drop-down arrow to the right of the agent title. Options include: 

a.    Edit- This option allows you to edit the selected agent.

b.    Copy- This option allows you to copy the selected agent.

c.    View History- This option allows you to view a history record of when the selected agent ran and who the agent was sent to, including a date and time stamp.

d.    Export History- This agent allows you to export the agent history records. 

i.              If selected, choose the desired agent, if the report should include practice runs, and the from and to dated that is being targeted.

e.    Practice Run- This option allows you to complete a practice run of the agent. A practice run will not send any email messages to users, but you will be able to see if any users met the criteria to determine if the agent is functioning properly. Once the practice run is complete, you will receive an email message in your inbox that the practice run has been completed.

f.      Run Now- This option allows you to force run the agent regardless of the schedule that has been set in the settings right at the specified moment when this option is selected. 

g.    Delete- This option allows you to delete the selected agent.