How to Use Video Note


The video note tool allows instructors to record a video message within MyFIRE. The videos can be recorded up to 30 minutes in length. 

  • Instructors can record a video note when creating an announcement, composing an email, providing instructions, and when providing feedback to students on assessments. 
  • Students can also record a video note when submitting an assignment, submitting a discussion post, and replying to a written response question within a quiz (if enabled). 

This tutorial demonstrates how to record a video note within MyFIRE.  

1.    Log into MyFIRE and navigate to your course.

2.    Once within the course, navigate to the desired location where you would like to record a video note. The locations include: announcements, the content page, assignments, discussions, quizzes, grades, and email.  

3.    Once at the specified location, select the Insert Stuff icon in the MyFIRE editor. 

Note: For further instructions on how to utilize the content MyFIRE editor textbox, please refer to the How to use the MyFIRE Editor tutorial.


4.    A pop-up window will appear. Select add video note.


5.    MyFIRE will need to have access to the microphone and camera on your computer to proceed. Another pop-up window may appear on your screen asking for permission to use your webcam and microphone. If asked, choose the desired webcam and microphone, and select allow. 


6.    Once ready to start recording, in the pop-up window, select new recording.


Note: Before beginning to record, ensure that your microphone on your computer is turned on and is not muted on the keyboard (F4). 

a.    Users can record up to a 30-minute video.


7.    Select stop recording when you are finished recording the message. 


a.    Once stop recording has been selected, the video recording will automatically play back to you. Review the video to ensure that you are satisfied with the recording and can hear yourself audibly in the recording. 

b.    If you are satisfied with the video, select next.


c.     Continue to step 9

8.    As an alternative option to recording the video directly in MyFIRE, users can upload a pre-recorded video from a computer by selecting upload file


a.    If choosing to upload a file, select choose file to browse and locate the file that you would like to upload. 


Note: Files must be either an MP4, FLV, F4V, MOV, or WEBM format. Also, the maximum file size is 2GB.

b.    Before proceeding to the next step, ensure that your file name is visible to the right of the choose file button. 


c.     Select next at the bottom of the pop-up window. 


Note: The upload time will vary depending on the speed of your internet connection and the size of the file that is being uploaded.

9.    Title the video note recording. 


10. Enter a description for the recording. 


Note: Entering a description will help you locate the video note recording at a later date. 

11. Then select the audio language spoken in the video from the drop-down menu. 


12. Select the automatically generate captions checkbox from audio. 


13. Select next at the bottom of the pop-up window. 


14. Allowa little time for your video to be transformed. The speed will depend on the file size and your internet speed. 


a.    If you want to check if your video has finished transforming, select the refresh preview button.  


15. Once the video is ready, select insert at the bottom of the pop-up window.


16. The video will then appear in the MyFIRE editor tool. At this point, you have the option to continue creating and formatting your message or content. If needing directions on the MyFIRE editor tool, refer to the ‘How to utilize the MyFIRE editor’ tutorial.

17. Submit or sendthe video message by following the learning tool prompts. 


Updated by ID&T on 3/07/2024