Check Your Paper with Turnitin Draft Coach in Microsoft Word (Web Version Only)


Turnitin Draft Coach helps students improve their academic writing and research skills by providing instant feedback where they write

·       Correct Grammar - Draft Coach highlights grammar mistakes and provides explanations to help students edit and deepen their understanding.

·       Check for Similarity – Students access Similarity Reports directly within Google Docs to ensure proper research and understand where to revise their writing prior to final submission.

·       Improve Citations - Students give credit where credit is due by using Draft Coach to find any missing references and citations.


Submissions to Draft Coach will not be saved; therefore the final submission in MyFIRE will not be flagged or reflect your submissions to Draft Coach. Students will only have three (3) Draft Coach submission checks available per paper. This tutorial demonstrates how to check paper submissions in Turnitin Draft Coach within Microsoft Word. 

1.    Login to Office365 account ( Note: If you need assistance accessing your Office 365 account or do not have an account, reach out to the IT department for further assistance.  

2.    Ensure that you have finished and/or are almost finished with writing and editing your paper. 

3.    From the Microsoft homepage, locate and open the desired paper in Word


4.    Select Turnitin at the top of page in the navigation bar. 


5.    Select Draft Coach below the navigation bar. 


6.    Turnitin Draft Coach will load on the right hand side of the page. Select get feedback now. This step only needs to be completed the first time you utilize Draft Coach. 


7.    A pop-up window will appear. Select accept. The pop-up window will close. This step only needs to be completed the first time you utilize Draft Coach.


8.    When the panel refreshes, select the agreement checkbox at the bottom of the panel. This step only needs to be completed the first time you utilize Draft Coach.


9.    If this is your first time accessing Draft Coach in Word, select continue to draft coach. This step only needs to be completed the first time you utilize Draft Coach. If you are a returning Draft Coach user, select get feedback now


10. The panel will refresh again. Three options will become available to you. Select the desired area that should be checked. 

a.    Similarity Check - This option allows students to check for plagiarism. Note: The amount of checks utilized will be visible and tracked by Draft Coach. The Similarity percentage is not a measure of the amount of plagiarism in a document. We calculate the similarity score by dividing the number of matching words by the total number of words in the document. Human judgment should always be used to determine if this value is acceptable.

                                               i.     Select go to similarity

                                              ii.     Select how should I use these checks listed in blue. 

                                            iii.     The panel will refresh. Choose the type of method that you typically use when writing your paper: I like to draft the whole assignment before making revisions or I like to continually make revisions as I draft. Draft Coach will provide next step suggestions on how to best utilize and check your paper through Draft Coach.  

                                            iv.     Select back at the top of the panel.

                                             v.     Then select back to similarity check

                                            vi.     Select run similarity check

                                           vii.     When the panel refreshes, select confirmNote: Do not alter your text while the check is running for accuracy purposes. 

                                         viii.     When the panel refreshes again, your similarity score will appear at the top of the panel. If similarities have been identified, select either:

1.    The what should I do with my score link listed in blue to determine next steps based on the similarity result. 

2.    The similarity source(s) listed below the score to see the matching in your paper. 

3.    View full report at the bottom of the page to review the report in greater detail. 

b.    Citations Check - This option allows students to check references and citations for correct formatting. 

                                               i.     From the Turnitin details tab, select go to citations

                                              ii.     Select how should I use these checks link listed in blue. 

                                            iii.     The panel will refresh. Choose the type of method that you typically use when writing your paper: I like to add citations when I finish my draft or I like to add citations as I write my draft. Draft Coach will provide next step suggestions on how to best utilize and check your paper through Draft Coach. 

                                            iv.     Select back at the top of the panel.

                                             v.     Then select back to citations

                                            vi.     Select run citations check.

                                           vii.     When the panel refreshes, the citation check results will appear. Review the results by selecting any citations that appear under the Issues title and then select what should I do with this report to view suggested corrections for your paper. 


c.     Grammar Guide - This option allows students to check their paper for grammatical errors by giving examples of correct grammar usage. It does not generate rewritten sentence and/or word replacement options. 

                                               i.     From the Turnitin details tab, select go to grammar

                                              ii.     Select how should I use these checks link listed in blue. 

                                            iii.     The panel will refresh. Choose the type of method that you typically use when writing your paper: I like to check my grammar all at once when I finish my draft or I like to check my grammar as I write my draft. Draft Coach will provide next step suggestions on how to best utilize and check your paper through Draft Coach. 

                                            iv.     Select back at the top of the panel. 

                                             v.     Then select back to grammar.

                                            vi.     Select run grammar check.

                                           vii.     When the panel refreshes, the grammar guide results will appear. Review the results by selecting any grammar suggestions that appear under the Issues title and select what should I do with these results to view suggested corrections for your paper. 


11. Once done reviewing your results and editing your paper, submit your paper in MyFIRE.