Brainfuse: Getting Started with Flashbulb


Brainfuse is a free online tutoring service that students can access through MyFire. Flashbulb is one of the many tools that Brainfuse offers. It allows students to create their own flashcards or draw from an extensive library of flashcard sets that can transform into games, practice tests, study tables, and more. The following tutorial demonstrates how to access the Flashbulb academic tool. 


1.    Navigate to and log into your account.

2.    Select the MyFIRE icon within your Southeastern dashboard. 

3.    You will be redirected to the MyFIRE user homepage. If directions are needed on how to navigate through the homepage, refer to the user homepage instructions

4.    Select Need Help from the navigation bar.

5.    Select Online Tutoring: Brainfuse from the dropdown menu.

6.    The Brainfuse Homepage will appear.

7.    Scroll down on the main page to see the Brainfuse academic tools.

8.    Select the Flashbulb tile.

9.    Students can either select a premade flashcard set or create a new set tailored to their individual needs.

10. Select the flashcard set of your general topic of interest to see sets that Brainfuse has already created.

11. Select the title of the flashcard set within the category you would like to study. 

12. When the page refreshes, there will be a flashcard that students can click on to reveal the answer.

Note: If the student would like to view the answer first, then this can be changed by checking the Show Answer First box under the flashcard.

13. Students can quiz themselves and sort the cards they got right into the Correct Cards bin and the ones they got wrong in the Incorrect Cards bin by clicking on the desired bin.

14. When going through the flashcard set, students can retry, restart, or shuffle the cards.

a.    If retry is selected, the cards that have been marked as incorrect will go back to the Remaining Cards bin to be tried again.

b.    If restart is selected, the flashcard set will completely reset for the student to retry them all again.

c.     If shuffle is selected, the cards in the Remaining Cards bin will be reordered.

15. When all the flashcards have been studied, students will see their scores and can retry all the cards in the incorrect box or choose to restart all the cards.

16. Students can also scroll down to find many other formats to study the flashcard set.

17.  To create a new Flashbulb set, select Create at the top of the page.

18. When the page refreshes, select Create New Flashbulb.

19. Even though students are already registered with Brainfuse, they will still need to sign up when prompted.

20. Enter the necessary information and select Register.

21. Once registered, the page will redirect back to creating the flashbulb set. In the settings tab, name the set, add a description, and a category.

22. Select save changes.

23. On the data tab, enter the questions in the left column and answers in the right column.

24. Select save changes when all the questions and answers are filled in.

25. In the slides tab, students can add one or more images (.jpeg, .png, or .gif) to the slides and drag or resize the image as desired. 

a.    They can also add labels and drag and resize them. 

b.    Each label can have a line connecting it to a specific spot on the image. To add a line, select the label and drag the small diamond below the label. 

c.     You can also add multiple slides by selecting "New Slide".

26. Select Save Changes.