Access Brainfuse free online tutoring service through MyFIRE. Once within MyFIRE, select the ’Need Help?' tab in the navigation bar. A drop-down
menu will appear. Select Brainfuse.It is Online Tutoring and so much more! Brainfuse is On Demand, Anytime, Anywhere eLearning. With Brainfuse, you can receive Instant Tutoring and interact with a live tutor. Use the Writing Lab for comprehensive feedback or connect with a live tutor. Submit a Question anytime and receive a reply from a tutor. Personalized Skills Building library of lessons and videos. Test Prep in academic subjects and standardized tests. Create your own flashcards and online games to reinforce classroom learning. Form online study groups with peers, and faculty using MEET. Use eParachute to discover your strengths and talents to map out your future career.