Getting Started with Redshelf


In MyFIRE, students are able to access online publisher material such as etextbooks through Redshelf. If your course requires you to utilize Redshelf, then the course is a part of the Follett Access program and includes textbook access and an access code provided by the bookstore ( via your SEU email account. The textbook will be purchased on your behalf and will occur about a week and a half before the course start date. If you register for this course after this time, the textbook purchase will take place within 24 hours of your enrollment. The first email you will receive from the bookstore will confirm the textbook purchase. Then, you will receive another email from the textbook publisher containing the access code within 72 hours of the first email.  


Please save both emails until the textbook access and access code is ready to be redeemed within the 'Course Textbook Access' module after completing the SEU Student Acknowledgement and Attendance Confirmation and the Essential Information survey if the Essential Information survey is listed in your course. 


If you are not able to locate the email(s) and have checked your spam folder, please send a request to to ask about the purchase status. The bookstore will be able to assist you further.  


This tutorial demonstrates how students can locate the access code and view their textbook through Redshelf in MyFIRE. 

1.    Navigate to the desired course in MyFIRE.  

2.    Select the content & assessments tab at the top of the page in the navigation bar. 


3.    When the content page refreshes, locate and select the course textbook access module through the table of contents. 


4.    When the module opens, select Redshelf course materials listed in blue. 


5.    A new tab will open, select the desired book.

6.    A panel will open on the right of the screen. Scroll down and select either the book option or the courseware option. Note: Some courses may not include a courseware option. 

a.    Book Option- This option allows you to access the textbook for your course.

                                               i.     Once book is selected, the panel will refresh. Select read now at the bottom of the panel. 

b.    Courseware Option- This options allows you to obtain the access code for the associated assessment or appraisal. 

                                               i.     Once courseware has been selected, the panel will refresh and show the access code

                                              ii.     Select copy code to clipboard.

                                            iii.     Then select access courseware

1.    If having difficulty accessing the assessment webpage, select the URL provided in the text above access courseware.