View Respondus Videos


Some courses in MyFIRE will require students to use Respondus LockDown Browser online proctoring tool while taking an exam. Respondus is used to deter students from digitally cheating. If Respondus Monitor has been enabled on an exam, then instructors will have the ability to view recorded videos of the students taking their exams. This tutorial demonstrates how to view Respondus videos in MyFIRE. 

1.    Access the desired course.

2.    Select instructor tools at the top of the page in the navigation bar. 


3.    When the page refreshes, locate and select quizzes.


4.    When the page refreshes, select LockDown Browser at the top of the page.


5.    Select continue if the message below appears. 


6.    If the video message shown below appears,select continue to LockDown Browser.


7.    The page will changerefresh to show the list of quizzes and exams. Locate the desired quiz/exam


8.    Select the drop-down arrow to the left of the quiz/exam.


9.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select class results.


10. A list of the students will appear. From this page, you will be able to view and filter the following: 


                a.    Students’ last name

b.    Students' first name

c.     Review Priority- This is a comprehensive measure that conveys whether a student's exam session warrants a closer look by the instructor. Results appear in Low, Medium, and High categories with a green-to-red bar graph conveying the risk level. Review Priority measures two characteristics of the exam session: 1) the quality of the data captured, and, 2) suspicious events that may indicate exam violations have occurred. Refer to the how the respondus review priority is determined tutorial to review how review priority is determined and what flags students could be marked for while taking an exam.

d.    Date -This feature lists the date and time of when the student took the exam. Also, the number of attempts will be listed for the student if the student has attempted the exam more than once. 

e.    Score - This feature lists the students’ scores

f.      Duration - This feature lists the students’ time duration that they have spent on taking the exam. 

g.    Reviewed- This feature is an optional selection that can be made to mark that the student’s Respondus videos and notes have been reviewed by the instructor. To mark that the student’s attempt was reviewed, check the circle checkbox. Once checked, the circle will turn green and be marked with a check.

h.    Notes- This feature allows instructors to add notes if desired from their review of the student’s attempt. To add a note, follow steps 


11. Locate the desired student from the class results list.


12. Select the [+] icon to the left of the student’s name. The videos will appear for the student if the student has taken the quiz. 


13.    Review the list of milestones, flags, and desired video(s) to review the student’s attempt.


14. To view the student’s video, press play in the large video viewer on the left of the screen. 


15. If you would like to add a note after viewing a student’s attempt, select add notes below the video. 


a.    A pop-up plain text window will appear. Enter the desired notes.

b.    Select save when finished. A black paper icon will appear in the Note column to signify that notes have been saved on the student’s attempt(s). 

16. Once done viewing the student’s attempt in Respondus, select close to navigate and view other students’ attempts.