Respondus LockDown Browser is a tool to deter students from digitally cheating on a quiz and that is enabled in the quiz tool within the MyFIRE learning portal. If Respondus is enabled on your quiz, “Requires Respondus LockDown Browser + Webcam” will be added to the title of the quiz. This tutorial demonstrates how to download and install the Respondus LockDown Browser onto your computer.

Note: These steps will differ slightly depending on if you are using a Mac or Windows computer.


1.     Navigate to the desired quiz in your MyFIRE course and select the quiz title.

2.     Scroll down the page to the Quiz Requirements. Select Download and install the latest version of LockDown Browser.

3.     A new tab will open containing a brief overview video and download information. Select the yellow Download button.

4.     Respondus will begin downloading to your downloads folder. The browser should refresh with further instructions.


5.     Locate the downloaded file in your downloads folder. Double-click the file to continue the installation process. If the file was downloaded as a zip file, double-click the file that opens.

6.     A pop-up window may appear asking if you want to allow this app to make changes to your device. Select yes.

7.     If you have previously installed Respondus onto your computer, another pop-up window may appear asking you if you would like to add another installation for a second institution, reinstall, or uninstall/remove the lockdown browser. If you currently have a version of Respondus installed, you will need to uninstall the old version before reinstalling the new version.

8.     Follow the prompts to continue the installation. These prompts will differ depending on if you are using a Mac or Windows computer.

9.     When prompted, agree to the License Agreement. Then, select Next.

10.  Select Finish to complete the installation process.

11.  Once the LockDown Browser is installed onto your computer, select Launch LockDown Browser from the quiz page to begin the quiz.

12.  When the page refreshes, select Start Quiz.