Attach a Rubric to a Discussion Topic 


Rubrics can be created within a MyFIRE course and then attached to a discussion topic through the discussion tool. Rubrics attached to a discussion topic will provide students with an itemized grading scale for the specified topic. This tutorial shows how to attach a rubric to a discussion topic within MyFIRE once a rubric has been created in the course. 

1.    Access the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    Select Instructor Tools at the top of the page in the navigation bar. 

3.    Select the Course Admin from the drop-down menu.

4.    When the page refreshes, locate and select discussions

5.    Select the drop-down arrow next to the desired topic.

6.    Select Edit Topic from the drop-down menu. 

7.    Scroll down and select the third section, Evaluation & Feedback. Once selected, the menu will expand.

8.    Attach a rubric to the discussion by selecting add rubric. Professors will have the option of creating a new rubric or to add an existing rubric. 

9.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select add existing to add a rubric that has already been created.

10.  A pop-up window will appear. Locate and select the desired rubric by selecting the checkbox to the left of the rubric title. 

Note: Drafted and Archived Rubrics will not appear on the list of available rubrics and cannot be added to a discussion.

11. Select Add Selected at the bottom of the pop-up window. 

12. Then select Save and Close