Create a Self Assessment


Self-assessments are a formative assessment tool that enables instructors to provide students with a series of questions and immediate feedback for responses. Question types available are similar to quizzes; however, student responses are not graded and self-assessment questions do not have a point value or difficulty level indication. The omission of numeric evaluation enables students to make reflective learning and course material comprehension their main priorities during a self assessment. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a self assessment in MyFIRE. 

1.    Navigate to the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    Select instructor tools at the top of the page in the navigation bar. 


3.    A drop-down menu will appear, select course admin.

4.    Locate and select self-assessment from the assessment section.


5.    When the page refreshes, select new self assessment.


6.    Title the self-assessment in the name field. 


7.    If desiring to visually organize the self-assessments within the self-assessments tool, select the category drop-down menu.


a.    If needing to add a new category, select add category.

b.    A pop-up window will appear. Type the title of the category in the name field. 

c.     Select save at the bottom of pop-up window. 


8.    Determine if hints should be enabled by selecting the allow hints checkbox.


9.    Determine if the questions within the self-assessments should be shuffled by selecting the shuffle questions at the self assessment level checkbox.


10. Next, determine if a page header or footer should be enabled during the self-assessment by selecting the on or off options above the page header and page footer text boxes. They are disabled by default.  


a.    If the page header and/or footer have been enabled, enter the desired message to the students within the MyFIRE textbox. For further instructions, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial.


11. Then select save and close at the bottom of page. 


12. When the page refreshes, the newly created self-assessment will be listed on the self-assessment tool page. 


13. Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the self-assessment title. 


14. A drop-down menu will appear. Select edit


15. When the page refreshes, select add/edit questions, listed above General, to add questions to the self-assessment. 


16. When the page refreshes, determine how the self-assessment questions should be added by selecting either new or import


a.    New- This option allows for the manual creation of individual sections, question pools, and/or questions. The question types available are true and false (T/F), multiple choice (MC), multi-select (M-S), written response (WR), short answer (SA), multi-short answer, fill in the blanks (FIB), matching (MAT), ordering (ORD), arithmetic (2+2), and significant figures (x10).  

b.    Import- This option allows users to import questions from a file or from the Question Library.

                                               i.     Upload a File- If selected, a pop-up window will appear. Either drag and drop or select browse files to upload a CSV file that includes formatted questions. Note: For MyFIRE to recognize the questions, the questions have to be formatted correctly according to the MyFIRE Template CSV.

                                              ii.     Browse Question Library- This option allows users to import questions that have been created or added to the question library within the course. If needed, refer to the benefits of the question library tutorial for more information and to add questions to the question library. 

1.    If selected, the page will expand. (1) Search and locate the desired questions from the available options by (2) filtering, sorting, and selecting the (3) checkbox on the left of the desired questions, sections, or question pools. 

2.    Then select import at the bottom of the screen. 


17. The newly added questions will appear on the self-assessment question page. 


18. Once done creating and/or adding questions to the self-assessment, select done editing questions in the top right corner of the screen. 


19. When the page refreshes, select save and close at the bottom of the page.