Access & Save Course Evaluation Results


The Course Evaluation survey is a survey that has been built and administered directly in MyFIRE. When students attempt the survey, their results are anonymous. This tutorial demonstrates how to access & save course evaluation results within MyFIRE. 

1.    Access your desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select instructor tools from the navigation bar. 


3.    Then select course admin from the drop-down menu.


4.    When the page refreshes, locate and select surveys.  


5.    When the page refreshes again, locate the course evaluation survey from the survey list.  


6.    Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the course evaluation survey title.


7.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select reports.  


8.    When the page refreshes, select the course eval report link. 


9.    When the page refreshes again, select either generate CSV, generate excel, or generate HTML based on your viewing preference.  


a.    If selecting generate CSV, the file will download to the downloads folder on your computer. 

b.    If selecting generate Excel, the file will download to the downloads folder on your computer. 

c.     If selecting generate HTML, the page will refresh to open the report on the current webpage. 

                                               i.     If needed, use the scroll bar to the right of the page to view all of the results. 

                                              ii.     From this page, you will also have the option to export the report into a CSV or Excel file by selecting the corresponding export button

                                            iii.     Additionally, there is an option of printing and saving the report to your computer in the HTML format by selecting print report

                                            iv.     Once done viewing the HTML report, select go back to generate report on the left side of the screen. 

10. Once finished reviewing the report, select done at the bottom of the screen.