When assignments in MyFIRE have Turnitin enabled, instructors can grade and leave feedback within the Turnitin tool. The grade in Turnitin can be connected to the MyFIRE submission to keep scores congruent between Turnitin and the MyFIRE assignment. This tutorial demonstrates how to grade and provide feedback within Turnitin. Note: If assessing through a rubric, it is recommended to connect the rubric to the assignment in the course in MyFIRE and not through Turnitin. Step 1. Within your course, select the Course Admin tab in the navigation bar. Step 2. When the page refreshes, locate and select assignments. Step 3. When the page loads, a list of the assignments that have been created in the course will appear. Select the desired assignment.  From this page, instructors are able to view if there are new submissions from students, the number of students who have completed the assignments, the number of assignments.
evaluated, the number of assignments where the feedback has been published, and the assignment due date if added. Note: Look for the binocular symbol to ensure that the assignment you are grading has Turnitin enabled. Step 4. When the page refreshes, a list of the students that have submitted the assignment will appear. Locate the student that you would like to assess. Step 5. Select the Turnitin Similarity percentage bar to the right of the student’s file to access the Turnitin Feedback Studio. A. If there is an inbox icon where the similarity percentage bar normally appears, then the student’s submission has not been submitted to Turnitin, even though the submission has been submitted in MyFIRE.
B. To push the student’s submission into Turnitin, select the inbox icon. The Turnitin similarity will then show In progress. The upload may take a little time, and you may need to refresh your screen to confirm if the submission has been successfully uploaded to Turnitin. Once successful, the similarity percentage bar will appear. C. If there is a triangle icon next to the inbox icon, select the triangle icon to view the message from Turntin as to why the student’s submission has not been uploaded to Turnitin. Step 6. After selecting the similarity percentage bar, a new page will open to the TurnItIn Feedback Studio and the student’s paper will be visible. The similarity report will highlight areas in the paper that have a similar match to another source. A
similarity match does not guarantee that the student has plagiarized. Review each similarity match to determine if the student plagiarized. Utilize the navigation bars to access the similarity match report, assign a grade to the assignment, or provide electronic feedback to the student. Note: The Turnitin Feedback Studio exists outside of the MyFIRE platform. Therefore, MyFIRE will not register that you are still active in the platform. Step 7. Instructors can complete the following tasks in the Turnitin Feedback Studio: A. Select the black active layers button on the right-side navigation bar to turn the grading & similarity layers on and off. B. Use the blue buttons on the right-side navigation bar to provide electronic feedback.
i. The QuickMarks option provides a list of comment bubbles that are for common usage errors. Drag and drop each abbreviated comment to the correlating sentence in the assignment. 1. Once the quickmark has been added to a paper, it will create a comment bubble that students can select for more information about their error, as well as suggestions as for how to revise the error.
ii. To provide a feedback summary, select the paper and pen icon to the right of the screen. 1. Within the feedback summary area, record audio feedback by selecting the circle record button, or leave a written response by typing inside the text box. Text feedback is 5000 characters or less. Voice comments can be recorded up to 3 minutes. Note: Any feedback provided through these options will not be imported or shown in MyFIRE. Students will need to access the Turnitin Feedback student to review the feedback.
iii. Rubrics: SEU & ID&T recommends that rubrics be attached to the assignment through the Evaluation & Feedback section within the assignment settings in MyFIRE instead of attaching rubrics in Turnitin. Attaching rubrics directly in MyFIRE will allow students to view the rubric prior to attempting the assessment and allow SEU to retain the assessment data. C. Use the red layers on the right-side navigation bar to view and interpret the similarity report. i. Flags for Review - This option allows instructors to view if there is hidden text within the assignment and 1. Hidden Text - When students are cheating, hidden text is purposely added to a student’s paper to inflate the word count. Hidden text is typically white characters to blend into the background. To verify if the Hidden Text report is correct and within the students’ papers, instructors can download the paper, highlight the whole paper, and change the color of
the text to not be black. Any other visible color will work. If there is hidden text, you may notice random symbols or characters that are out of place within the text. Note:  The availability of hidden text does not guarantee that students are cheating. ID&T recommends reviewing the submission source (such as a form or content from an external site where the student was not aware of the hidden text) and submission format. If necessary, discuss the text with the student. 2. Replace Characters - This occurs when students replace English letters with similar-looking letters from another alphabet to throw off the similarity match. This feature in Turnitin will provide the language type of the replaced character(s).
ii. Matched Overview - When the match overview is selected from the side panel on the right side of the page, it will show a list of sources that match portions of the student’s paper. 1. Select a matched source to view the location in the student’s paper that matches the source. 2. When a matched source is selected, an additional option may appear to view additional matches from the same source. Select the left and right arrows to navigate and review the additional sources within the student’s paper.
3. Also when a matched source is selected, a pop-up window will appear. Select the title of the institution to request a copy of the source submission. A. If you were the instructor of the course with the matched source, by selecting the institution’s title you will be redirected to the source submission in a new browser tab. 4. A new page will appear. Select send a request to view this paper to gain permission from the course’s instructor to view the source submission. Note: In order to receive a copy of the matched paper, the instructor of the source submission must approve the request.
If the request was not approved, you will not hear back regarding your request. iii. All Sources - To drill down further into the report and gain more insight into the matched sources, select the All Sources option. 1. Select on a source in the right panel to navigate to the text found in the student’s paper where the source was used. 2. If there is a matched source that is a concern and not available within the similarity report, instructors can still request a copy of the matched source by selecting the source.
A. A new page will appear. Select send a request to view this paper to gain permission from the course’s instructor to view the source submission. iv. Filters & Settings - Source matches may be excluded, either in the settings of the assignment so that the exclusions are executed for all papers submitted for an assignment, or after the report has been generated for individual papers. To exclude sources from the similarity report, select the filters and settings option in the similarity layer. You can exclude sources that are quoted, exclude the entire bibliography, or exclude sources based on size. 1. Exclude Quotes/Bibliography: To exclude all quotes and/or the bibliography, mark the appropriate checkbox(es), and then select apply changes at the bottom of the panel. 2. Exclude sources that are less than: To exclude sources based on size, select the appropriate radial button, then enter the number of words/percentage in the corresponding field. Then select apply changes. After changes are applied, the Feedback Studio will automatically
navigate to the Match Overview and show the results of the exclusion. To generate a new report, select Filters and Settings and then select New Report. The new report may take a few moments to refresh. NOTE: Exclusions are strictly less than the amount entered in the text field. For example, if 2 is entered in the % field, then all sources less than 2% (that is, equal to 1% since source matches are rounded to the nearest whole percent) will be excluded. Two percent matches will not be excluded in this case. NOTE: Consider the following when you are excluding sources based on size. The percentage or number of words that you choose to exclude should be determined while considering the overall size of the paper. For a ten-page paper, excluding a 10% match excludes one whole page and excluding a 5% match excludes half of a page, a relatively large exclusion. To decide on exclusion by number of words, review the word count of the paper. A small exclusion, perhaps 7 words can help produce a similarity score with a small buffer for students. 3. To cancel an exclusion, select the Filter and Settings button and either unmark an exclusion checkbox or select Don’t exclude by size. Then select apply changes. 4. Individual Exclusions: To exclude individual sources, select the All Sources button. Select Exclude Sources at the
bottom of the right-hand panel. Notice that the source bullets change to checkboxes. Mark the boxes next to the sources you wish to exclude. Select Exclude to apply your changes or cancel to keep the original report. v. Excluded Sources - This option shows the sources that have been excluded from the similarity report. D. Download - The download option allows the paper to be downloaded in three different ways: the current view of the paper (includes markups and score), the digital receipt of the paper, and the originally submitted file. E. Submission Information - The submission information option opens a pop-up window on the screen, showing all of the information Turnitin has on the paper, such as its submission date, last graded date, and the word count.
The Submission Info box enables you to keep track of the number of submissions made by a student. To allow more than one submission, you must opt to allow resubmissions by selecting immediately (can overwrite reports until due date) for a Similarity Report generation in your assignment settings. The submission ID and date will change for each new submission made by the student.
Step 8. If desired leave feedback for the student in the paper and/or enter a score at the top of the page in the score field. Note: If the assignment requires the student to be assessed through a rubric, navigate back to the student’s submission in MyFIRE, and select the rubric under the Evaluation and Feedback section. If a score is left in both
the rubric and in Turnitin, then the rubric score will override the Turnitin score. If directions are needed for assessing a student through a rubric, please refer to the How to Grade an Assignment Using a Rubric tutorial. Step 9. The score that was entered in Turnitin will then appear in the Turnitin Grademark score field. A. If the score does not appear for the Turnitin Grademark, select the refresh icon to refresh the score for each student. Step 10. If you would like to use the Turnitin Grademark score for the official grade, select the Use this Grade link. Once selected, the Turnitin score will transfer to the assignment overall grade field. Step 11. Next, provide feedback to the student in the overall feedback textbox. For further instructions on utilizing the editor textbox, please refer to the How to use the MyFIRE Editor tutorial.
A. Then if desired, choose to either (A) upload a file, (B) record a 1-minute audio message, or (C) record up to a 30-minute video message to the student to provide additional feedback. Step 12. Once done assessing the student, select Publish at the bottom of the page. Note: Once the grade is published or updated, students will receive an instant notification to their SEU email account that their assignment has been graded. A. If desiring to publish all of the student scores at once or to finish grading at a later time, then select save draft. If needed, refer to the tutorial on how to manually publish multiple assignment scores at one time.
Step 13. If you would like to grade the next student’s submission for the assignment, select the left and right arrows in the top right corner of the screen to continue to the next student’s submission. Step 14. If you want to return to the assignment submission view for the entire class, select the back to submissions link in the top left corner of the screen.