Assess through Quick Eval


The Quick Eval tool is a centralized location to assess learners in your courses. This tutorial demonstrates how to assess through the Quick Eval tool. 

1.    Select Instructor Tools in the navigation bar. 


2.    Then select the Quick Eval tool.


3.    When the page refreshes, a list of students, who need to be assessed from all of your active courses, will appear. There are two different main view options: View by Submissions and Activities.


a.    View by Submissions- This is a list view of all students who need to be assessed. 

                                               i.     Searching Options:

1.    The list can be sorted by students’ first name, students’ last name, activity name, and submission date in ascending or descending order. 

2.    Secondly, instructors can search for students or assesments by typing in the student name or title in the search bar in the top right-hand corner of the page. 

3.    Thirdly, instructors can filter the search menu to locate the desired activity name and date. 

a.    Once the search filter has been selected, the available options to filter the submissions will appear. Select either activity name or date.

b.    The menu will change to show the available options for the specified filter setting. Select the desired filter option

                                              ii.     Once the desired assessment or student has been located, select the student’s name

                                            iii.     When the page refreshes, the assessment page will appear for the corresponding learning tool. Refer to the following tutorials on how to access students: 

1.    Grade an assignment

2.    Grade an assignment using a rubric

3.    Grade a discussion topic

4.    Grade a discussion topic using a rubric

5.    Manually assess essay & short answer questions 

                                            iv.     Choose to publish or draft the Feedback for the student at the bottom of the assessment page. Note: When an evaluation has been published, the actions available for instructors on an evaluation change from Publish and Draft to Update and Retract

                                             v.     Once the assessment is completed and the grade has been published, select Back to Quick Eval in the top left-hand corner of the screen to continue assessing through the Quick Eval tool.  Note: Once a grade has been published for the students, the student’s name will disappear from the Quick Eval list. 

                                            vi.     When the evaluation has been completed and the grade has been drafted, a draft icon will appear to the right of the student’s name after selecting Back to Quick Eval.  

b.     View by Activities- This page will show all of the available activities that need to be assessed in a course. 

                                               i.     If needed, search for specific assessments by typing the assessment title in the search bar in the top right-hand corner of the page.

                                              ii.     If needed, filter the assessments by activity name

1.    Once activity name is selected, a drop-down menu will appear showing all of the available filter options. Select the desired option

                                            iii.     For each course activity, the following will display:

1.    The number of new ungraded submissions

2.    The number of how many students have submitted to the assessment within the total number of students in the course. 

3.    The number of how many submissions have been evaluated within the total number of students in the course.

4.    The number of how many evaluations have been published within the total number of students in the course.

                                            iv.     For each assessment, hover or scroll over the desired assignment. The following options will appear: 

1.    Evaluate All- This option will navigate instructors to the assessment tool evaluation page. 

a.    From this page, evaluate the current student and select Publish. 

b.    Then select the arrow at the top right-hand corner of the screen to continue assessing the next student. 

c.     Once the assessments are complete and the evaluations(s) have been published, select Back to Quick Eval at the top of the screen. 

2.    Submission List- This option will navigate instructors to the assessment submission list page. 

a.    From this page, evaluate the students in the desired order. 

b.    Once the assessments are complete and the grade has been published, select Quick Eval at the top of the page in the navigation bar to return to Quick Eval if desired. 

3.    More Actions - This option allows instructors to publish all saved drafted grades at one time for each assessment and dismiss assessments from the instructor’s view in Quick Eval. Note: Publish All is not supported for Quizzes.

a.    Once publish all has been selected, a confirmation pop-up window will appear. Select yes to publish all available evaluations. 

b.    If dismiss until is selected, a pop-up window will appear. Determine how long the assessment will be removed visually from your view by either selecting dismiss until next submission, a specific date, or forever. ID&T does not recommend dismissing an assessment forever. 

                                                                                                     i.     Select dismiss activity at the bottom of the pop-up window to confirm your changes.