View Attendance


MyFIRE allows students to view attendance in their courses. However, it is up to your instructor’s discretion if he/she utilizes the attendance tool in your course. This tutorial demonstrates how to view attendance within a course in MyFIRE. 

1.    Loginto MyFIRE.

2.    Navigate to the desired course

3.    Select the course tools tab from the navigation bar. 


4.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select attendance


5.    When the page refreshes, a list of the attendance register(s) that have been created in the course will appear. Depending on your professor’s preference, there may be more than one register. At a glance, the attendance register page will show the (A) name of the register, (B) register description if one was added, (C) the number of sessions listed in the register, and (D) your overall attendance or participation percentage. 


6.    Once you have located the desired register, select the title of the register


7.    When the page refreshes, a list of Attendance sessions that have been created within the register will be visible. From this page, you will be able to view the (A) attendance register description, the (B) number of sessions included in the register, (C) your overall participation percentage, (D) attendance summary, and the (E) attendance status listed per session. 


8.    Once done viewing your attendance, select done at the bottom of the page.