View Class Progress


In every course, students have the ability to view a history of their class records and progress within courses. This feature will allow you to get a quick in-depth look at a summary of your actions and coursework. Instructors also have access to students’ class progress within courses. This tutorial demonstrates how to access and view your class progress within a course in MyFIRE. 

1.    Within a course in MyFIRE, select the course tools tab at the top of the page in the navigation bar.  

2.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select class progress

3.    Once the page refreshes, the Progress Summary page will appear. On this page, you will see a quick overview of your status for each available course category. 

4.    Under the Progress Summary title, you will be able to see your current grade, maximum final grade and minimum final grade. The Maximum Final is the grade you could earn if you scored perfectly on all possible assessments that are available in the gradebook. The Minimum Final is the grade you could earn if you stopped all work at this point in the course or received a 0 on all remaining work. As the course progresses and gets closer to the end of the class, the window of your maximum and minimum final grades will narrow and become more accurate.

5.    One the left side of the page, a navigation panel of course categories will be available to select and view at a deeper level. 

Note: The statistics in each category will show in a fraction format with the numerator representing your actions within the course, and the denominator representing the number of topics (assessments and content items) available to you in the course which can fluctuate based upon course restrictions. 

a.    Summary- Here you will be able to have a quick overview on how you're doing in the course and what your activity has been in the course.

b.    Grades- This option will showcase all (A) graded items and (B) scores where you can view (C) feedback left from the instructor, and the (D) date the instructor provided the feedback. 

c.     Objectives- This option will show how you are performing on achieving the course learning objectives if there are learning objectives available in the course. 

d.    Content- Within this option, you will be able to see how many times you have visited the course content page, the number of total visits, which topics were viewed, the time spent viewing the content, which topics were not viewed, and which topics were completed.  

i.      To view the details for individual content topics, select the arrow to the left of the number of topics per module. 

e.    Discussions - This option will allow you to view all available discussion posts and progress, how many posts you have read for each discussion, the number of threads you have created, and the number of replies to your thread, and grades earned. If needed, select the Topic or Details link to view your grade and discussion details. 

f.      Assignments - This option will allow you to view assignment progress, submission files, dates of submissions, grades and feedback provided from the professor by selecting the details link.  

g.    Quizzes - This option will allow you to view quiz progress, completed quizzes, and pending quiz grades by selecting the details link.

Note: If you have been granted quiz accommodations, the quiz accommodation icon will appear to the right of the quiz category title. 

h.    Checklist - This option will allow you to view checklist progress and if you have completed any checklists in the course.

i.      Surveys - This option will allow you to view if and when you have completed any survey attempts. 

j.      Course Access - This option will allow you to view the number of days you visited the course and the last accessed date within the last 30 days.

k.     Login History - This option will allow you to view your login history to the MyFIRE online platform within the last 30 days. For each date listed, you can see the number of times you have successfully logged in to MyFIRE and the time you have logged in to the system by selecting the session drop-down arrows

l.      System Access History - This option will allow you to view your system access history to the MyFIRE online platform within the last 30 days.