MyFIRE, students can submit all assignments in one area called the assignment
submission folder. Assignments can include individual and group assignments.
Occasionally, there may be a circumstance where deleting a group assignment is
necessary. This tutorial demonstrates how to delete a group assignment in
1. Navigate
to the specified course in MyFIRE.
2. Once
within the course, select instructor tools at the top of the page in the
navigation bar.
3. Then
select course admin.
4. Locate
and select assignments.
5. Once
the page refreshes, locate the desired group assignment from the list of
available assignments. Group assignments will have a multi-person icon to the
right of the assignment title.
6. Select
the drop-down arrow to the right of the assignment title.
7. When
the drop-down menu appears, select delete assignment.
8. A
pop-up window will appear with a confirmation message asking you to confirm if
you would like to proceed with deleting the assignment AND all files (including
submissions). If you are sure that you would like to delete the group
assignment and files, select delete.
a. If you are unsure
whether the group assignment should be deleted or not, ID&T recommends
selecting hide from users in the drop-down menu instead in step 7.
9. The
page will refresh and the assignment will be removed from the assignment tool
page and will no longer be associated with the group category. On the group
category page, the hyperlinked number will change to show a question mark icon.
a. If the question mark
icon is selected, a message will appear confirming that the group is not
linked to an assignment.