Question pools allow you to create quizzes with randomized questions. Question pools are an effective way to prevent cheating on quizzes as they ensure each learner receives a unique set of questions. Once a title, the number of questions to select, and the points per question have been entered for the question pool, you can browse the question library or existing quizzes, surveys, and self-assessments, to select the desired questions to add to the question pool. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a question pool within a quiz in MyFIRE. Note: It is recommended that you organize your Question Library to include a section for each quiz. This makes it easier to locate the correct questions during the question pool creation process. Step 1. In the desired course, select instructor tools in the navigation bar. Step 2. Then select course admin from the drop-down menu. Step 3. Locate and select quizzes under the Assessment category.
Note: Before continuing to the next step, please ensure that you have created a question section in the Question Library to organize, house, and pull the random questions from in the course. Please refer to the Create a Quiz Section tutorial for directions if needed. Step 4. Determine if the quiz pool will be added to a new quiz or an already existing quiz. A. New Quiz - Select new quiz and follow the create a quiz directions to edit the quiz properties. B. Already Existing Quiz - Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the quiz title. Select edit from the drop-down menu. Step 5. When the page refreshes, locate the Questions section and select create new.
Step 6. From the drop-down menu, select question pool. Step 7. A pop-up window will appear. Name the Question Pool in the title field. Step 8. Next, choose the number of questions to select in the question pool. This is the number of questions the students will be required to answer during the exam from the question pool. Step 9. Choose and enter the desired point value per question.
Step 10. Then select browse question library to choose the desired questions. Step 11. The question library page will appear within the pop-up window. Select the desired questions by checking the checkbox to the left of the questions. Step 12. Once done selecting the desired questions from the question library, select import at the bottom of the page. Step 13. The newly added questions will appear in the question pool pop-up window.
Stp 14. Once done editing the question pool, select save at the bottom of the pop-up window. Step 15. The page will then refresh to show that the quiz pool has been added to the list of questions within the quiz. Continue editing the question values as desired according to the create a quiz directions. Step 16. Once done editing the quiz, select save.