Create a Quiz. Face-to-face instructors can create quizzes within their course(s). Instructors can utilize the quiz tool for many different applications in a course. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a quiz in MyFIRE. Step 1. Locate the desired course in MyFIRE. Step 2. Select instructor tools from the navigation bar. Step 3. A drop-down menu will appear; select course admin. Step 4. When the page refreshes, locate and select quizzes from under the Assessment heading.
Step 5. When the page refreshes, select new quiz. Step 6. Title the quiz in the name field. Step 7. Determine if the quiz should be scored and/or connected to the gradebook by selecting the desired grade out of drop-down option: A. Option 1: Not in Grade Book - This option will allow the quiz to be ungraded in the gradebook. However, the Grade out of field will reflect the total points of the questions within the quiz. Therefore, the points field will not be editable. This option is best for a practice quiz. B. Option 2 - Edit or Link to Existing - This option will allow the quiz to be linked to an existing grade item within the gradebook. If the quiz is
connected to the gradebook, the Grade out of field will show the maximum points of the grade item that it is connected to in the gradebook. i. A pop-up window will appear. To connect the quiz to a grade item, select the desired option below: 1. Create and link to a new grade item: a. If desiring to create a new grade item in the gradebook and link the quiz to the new grade item, choose the create and link to a new grade item option. b. Then select the desired category that the new grade item will be nested under by selecting choose grade category. Note: The newly created grade item will not appear until this quiz has been saved and closed.
c. The pop-up window will expand to show a drop-down list of the available categories that have been built in the gradebook. Select the grade category drop-down menu and choose the desired category. d. Then select OK at the bottom of the pop-up window. 2. Link to an existing grade item: a. The pop-up window will refresh to show an additional drop-down menu. Select the grade item that should be attached to the newly created quiz.
b. Select OK. c. Option 3: Add to Grade Book - This option will allow the quiz to be linked to the gradebook by adding a new grade item to the gradebook with the same name as the quiz that is being created. If the quiz is connected to the gradebook, the Grade out of field will show the maximum points of the grade item that it is connected to in the gradebook. i. Next, enter the total maximum point value for the quiz in the points field.
Step 8. Next, enter the desired due date in the due date field. Once the field is selected, a pop-up calendar will appear to make it easier to choose the desired date. a. If the date that was chosen is no longer desired, select clear at the bottom of the pop-up window. Step 9. Once a date is selected, choose the time of the day that the quiz will be due.
Step 10. Enter the directions for the quiz in the description field. Students will be able to see this information about the quiz before accessing it. For further instructions on the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial. a. Once you click into the description field, the MyFIRE editor options will become available. Step 11. Under the Questions heading, choose how questions will be added to the quiz by either selecting add existing or create new.
a. Add Existing - This option allows users to add questions to the quiz by uploading a file or by browsing questions from the Question Library in the same course. i. Upload a File - This option allows users to add questions to the quiz by uploading a formatted CSV file. 1. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. Either drag and drop or select browse files to upload a formatted CSV file that includes the quiz questions. Note: For MyFIRE to recognize the questions, the questions have to be formatted correctly according to the MyFIRE Template CSV.
2. If desiring to create quiz questions from a Word document, refer to the tutorial on how to use the quiz question converter. ii. Browse Question Library - This option allows users to import questions that have been added to the question library within the course. If needed, refer to the benefits of the question library tutorial for more information and to add questions to the question library. 1. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. (1) Search and locate the desired questions from the available options by
(2) filtering, sorting, and selecting the (3) checkbox to the left of the desired questions, sections, or question pools. 2. Then select import at the bottom of the screen. a. If desired, select the drop-down arrow to the right of import, to choose where in the quiz the questions should be added. Options include: import to the top of the quiz, bottom of the quiz, or import to a section.
b. Create New - This option will allow users to manually create new quiz questions, a quiz section (dividing up questions by topic), or a quiz pool (a group of questions). i. If selected, a drop-down menu will appear. Choose the desired question type, section or quiz pool. If needed, refer to the additional tutorials listed below to explore the available options. 1. True or False Question (T/F). 2. Multiple Choice Question (MC). 3. Multi-Select Question (M-S). 4. Written Response Question (WR). 5. Short Answer Question (SA). 6. Multi-Short Answer Question (MSA). 7. Fill in the Blanks Question (FIB). 8. Matching Question (MAT). 9. Ordering Question (ORD). 10. Arithmetic Question (2+2). 11. Significant Figures Question (x10). 12. Likert Question (LIK). 13. Create a Quiz Section. 14. Create a Question Pool. Step 12. When the page refreshes, the user will have an opportunity to review the newly added questions. From the quiz question page, users can add additional
questions, edit, reorder, delete, set bonus, set mandatory, or reset the point value of each question. a. Add More Questions - Select the add existing or create new buttons to add new questions to the quiz. b. Edit Questions - Edit current questions by selecting the question itself. A pop-up window will appear to allow the question to be edited. Make the desired edits and select save. c. Reorder Questions - Reorder the questions by hovering over the question that needs to be moved. An eight-dot icon will appear to the left of the quiz question. Select the dotted icon and then drag and drop the question to the desired location or order in the quiz.
d. Delete Question(s) - To delete a question, first select the checkbox to the left of the question(s), and then select more actions in the top-right of the page. i. Drop-down menu will appear. Select delete. ii. If delete is selected for a question, a pop-up window will appear to confirm if the user would like to delete the question. Select delete to continue.
e. Move Selected Questions - To move questions to the top, bottom, or to a specific section in the quiz, select the checkbox to the left of the question(s). Then select move to in the top right of the screen. i. A drop-down menu will appear. Select either top of the quiz, bottom of the quiz, or section. If section is selected, the drop-down menu will change to show a selection of sections that have been added to the quiz. f. Set Bonus Questions, Mandatory Questions, or Set Points - To select bonus or mandatory questions, or change the point values for the quiz questions, first select the checkbox to the left of the question(s). Then select more actions in the top right of the screen.
i. A drop-down menu will appear. Select the desired option. ii. For questions marked as bonus or mandatory, the verbiage will appear notated on the question. Bonus will be listed under the point value and mandatory will be listed under the question text. iii. For setting the point value, a pop-up box will appear. Enter the desired point value and select save.
Step 13. Once questions have been added to the quiz, select the availability dates and conditions drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page. Once selected, the menu will expand. a. If desired, add a start date to the quiz by clicking into the start date field. Start dates will not allow students to attempt the quiz until the start date and time has passed. i. If adding a start date, enter the desired time when the quiz will become available to the students.
b. If desired, add an end date to the quiz by clicking into the end date field. End dates will not allow students to attempt the quiz after the end date and time has passed. i. If adding an end date, enter the desired time when the quiz will no longer be available to the students. c. If desired, add the availability dates to the course calendar by selecting the add availability dates to calendar checkbox. Note: The display in calendar option is only available if a start or end date have been selected. However, calendar events can be manually added to the course calendar. Step 14. If desired, add a Release Condition to the quiz by selecting add release condition. A release condition is a prerequisite that students have to complete
prior to viewing and gaining access to the quiz that is being created. If no prerequisite is required, skip this step. Professors can create a new condition or add an existing condition. If needed, refer to the Add release conditions to a quiz tutorial. Step 15. If needed, grant an individual or a group of students extra time or grant an extra attempt on the quiz by selecting manage special access. Refer to the add special access to a quiz tutorial for more information. Step 16. If desired, add a password by typing the password in the available field. Note: If the students do not get the password 100% correct, they will not be able to attempt the quiz.
Step 17. If desired, restrict access to the quiz to a certain group of computers by selecting manage IP restrictions. This option would be beneficial if students needed to take a quiz in a specific computer lab. a. A pop-up window will appear. Enter the IP range start and IP range end in the available fields. b. If needed, add additional IP ranges by selecting the +IP range link.
c. Then select add at the bottom of the pop-up window. Step 18. Next, select the timing & display drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page. Once selected, the menu will expand. Step 19. Select the checkmark next to the Set time limit to enforce a time limit. a. Edit the Time Limit field as desired in minutes. The default time limit is 120 minutes. b. To edit the amount of time that students have available on the quiz attempt, select Timer Settings.
i. A pop-up window will appear. Select either Asynchronous or Synchronous. 1. Select Asynchronous to allow the student to start the quiz on their schedule. 2. Select Synchronous to force a time frame of the quiz to be taken. Ensure that the start and end dates are defined in steps 13a through 13c. Note: If start and end dates are not added, a red note will appear indicating that dates need to be entered. The quiz will not be able to be saved if the red note is visible.
ii. Next, select the desired ending time limit options. 1. Automatically submit the quiz attempt. 2. Flag as
questions per page, 10 questions per page, and add page break after each section. a If 1 question, 5 questions, 10 questions, or add page break after each section is selected, an additional option will appear to prevent students from moving backward through pages if it is enabled. To enable the setting, select the checkbox to the left of prevent going back to previous pages. b. To shuffle questions within the quiz and sections on student attempts, select the shuffle quiz checkbox. Step 21. If desired, check allow hints to enable hints on questions. For this option to be enabled, hints must be typed into the desired quiz questions.
Step 22. If desired to disable communication tools while a student/user has a quiz attempt in progress, check disable email, instant messages, and alerts within Brightspace. Note: If this option is selected, the system does not differentiate between the type of user. If an instructor previews a quiz and the option is enabled in any quiz or course, the instructor's communication tools will be disabled. When previewing a quiz, ensure that the quiz is submitted at the bottom of the page instead of selecting exit preview, so the instructor’s communications tools can be enabled. Step 23. If desired, enable a header and/or footer in the quiz introduction section by selecting manage header and footer link. a. A pop-up window will appear. Type the desired information in the editor textboxes. For further instructions on the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial.
b. Then select add at the bottom of the pop-up window. Step 24. Next, select the attempts & completion drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page. Once selected, the menu will expand. Step 25. When the attempts & completion expand, select manage attempts if students will need more than one attempt on the quiz. Note: 1 attempt allowed is the default selection.
a. A pop-up window will appear. Choose the number of attempts that will be available to students on the quiz by selecting the attempts allowed drop-down menu. b. Then select how the final grade for the quiz will be calculated by selecting the overall grade calculation drop-down menu. Options include: highest attempt, lowest attempt, average of all attempts, first attempt, and last attempt. c. If students are allowed multiple attempts on the quiz, determine if the students should only attempt questions answered incorrectly from the previous attempt(s) by selecting the retake incorrect questions only checkbox.
i. If enabled and if you would like students to only retake incorrect questions based on scores, select attempt conditions. ii. When the page expands, identify and enter the minimum and maximum scores as a percentage that students must score on a previous attempt to qualify for a retake. d. Select OK when finished determining the attempt settings.
Step 26. If desired, choose the category that this quiz should be listed under within the Quizzes tool page by selecting the category drop-down menu. Note: Students will not be able to see the quizzes tool page. a. If you would like to create a new category and a pop-up window will appear. b. Type the title of the new category in the name field. c. Select create. Step 27. If desired, enter your email into the Notification Email field to receive notifications each time an attempt has been submitted. Note: If the content of the
course is copied forward to another section, then the user that has been entered into this field will receive emails for copied course’s quiz submissions as well. Step 28. Select the evaluation & feedback drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the page. Once selected, the menu will expand. Step 29. Next, review and determine if the auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion setting should be enabled. It will be selected and turned on by default. This option will automatically grade the attempts for questions with designated answers, such as multiple-choice, true and false, and matching questions. However, if the quiz contains written student responses, such as an essay or short answer questions, instructors will need to manually grade essay and short answer questions. The system will not be able to grade these questions automatically. These questions will receive zero points if this setting is enabled until the instructor is able to manually grade them.
Step 30. If the quiz is connected to a grade item, an additional option will become available. Determine if the scores should be published in the gradebook by reviewing the synchronize to grade book on publish setting. This setting will be enabled by default when the quiz is connected to a grade item. If you do not want the scores to be published in the gradebook, uncheck the synchronize to grade book on publish checkbox. Step 31. Next, review and determine what the students will see when they submit a quiz attempt. By default, students will be able to see their attempt grade as the attempt grade checkbox is selected. Also by default, students will not be able to see any of the quiz questions. Under when the published, display to learners title, select the drop-down menu to choose an additional viewing option. Options include no questions, incorrect questions only with correct answers, incorrect questions only without correct answers, all questions with correct answers, and all questions without correct answers. ID&T recommends only allowing quiz answers to be visible and available to students in low-stakes practice quizzes.
a. If needed, instructors can edit and add additional quiz submission views by selecting customize quiz results displays. b. Once selected, a pop-up window will appear. The current quiz submission message and view will be displayed under the primary view title. c. From this screen, instructors can edit the primary view by selecting edit view.
d. If needed, select additional view to add additional viewing options for students when they submit their quiz attempts. i. By adding an additional view, instructors will be able to determine and set a date when the submission view will become available by changing the date and time. ii. If desired, instructors can set a limited amount of time when the students will be able to see the submission view by selecting the limited amount of time after submission checkbox and typing the time limit in the minute field.
iii.Enter the desired message. iv. If the student’s score needs to be visible, select the grade checkbox. v. Select the desired question and answer view in the questions drop-down menu. vi. Choose if the class average and grade distribution statistics should be displayed to the students by checking the statistics checkboxes. ID&T recommends leaving these statistic views off for students. vii. Select create.
e. Select OK at the bottom of the pop-up window. Step 32. If desiring to connect learning objectives to quizzes, please reach out to Step 33. Newly created quizzes will be hidden from students’ view by default. Select the visibility toggle at the bottom of the page to allow students to view the newly created quiz. Step 34. Once finished with the quiz assessment settings, select save and close at the bottom of the page.