Create a Quiz Section


Quiz sections allow for questions to be organized. A quiz section can be created within a quiz or in the Question Library. Both of these areas are identical in functionality. A benefit of creating sections in the Question Library is that it allows the ability to add sections from the Question Library directly into a quiz, survey, or self-assessment. Importing a section transfers the section folder and any properties associated with the section (section name, messages, images, or feedback). This tutorial demonstrates how to create a section within a quiz or question library. 

Note:Although subsections can be created within sections, we recommend keeping question organization simple and intuitive.

1.    Locate the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    Select instructor tools in the navigation bar. 


3.    Then select course admin from the drop-down menu.


4.    Locate and select quizzes from under the Assessment heading. 


5.    When the page refreshes, choose where you would like to add a question section. A question section can be created within the manage quizzes page and within the question library. The steps to create a question section are the same in both locations.


a.    If desiring to add a section to a quiz, determine if the section will be added to a new quiz or an already existing quiz. If choosing to add the section to the question library, skip to step 6.

                                               i.     New Quiz- Select new quiz and follow the create a quiz directions to edit the quiz properties.\

                                              ii.     Already Existing Quiz- Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the quiz title. Select edit from the drop-down menu. 


6.    Add a section to the quiz by selecting create new under the Questions section. Or select new if creating a section within the question library.  


7.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select section.


8.    Name the section in the title field.


9.    Choose if you would like to hide the section title from the students’ view. If so, select the hide section title from learners checkbox.


10. If desired, add a description for the section to the section text box. For further instructions on the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial.


a.    Once you click into the description field, the MyFIRE editor options will become available. 


11. Next, choose if the section text should be hidden from the students’ view. If so, select the hide section text from learners checkbox.


12. Then choose if the questions should be shuffled in the specified section by selecting the shuffle questions in this section checkbox. 


13. Select save at the bottom of the page.  


14. If the newly created section was created in a quiz, select the checkmark to the left of the desired quiz questions to add the questions into the section. 


a.    Then select move to

b.    Select section from the drop-down menu.

c.     Then locate and select the section title.

d.    The quiz question will appear indented and nested under the section in the questions list. 


15. If the newly created section was created in the Question Library, questions can be added to the section as well. Locate and select the section title from the list on question library page.


16. Choose either to add questions by selecting new or select import.


a.    New- This option will allow you to manually create new questions. 

b.    Import- This option allows users to add questions to the section through a couple of methods:

                                               i.     Upload a File- This option allows users to add questions to the quiz by uploading a formatted CSV file.

1.    If selected, a pop-up window will appear. Either drag and drop or select browse files to upload a formatted CSV file that includes the quiz questions. Note: For MyFIRE to recognize the questions, the questions have to be formatted correctly according to the MyFIRE Template CSV.

2.    If desiring to create quiz questions from a Word document, refer to the tutorial on how to use the quiz question converter.

                                              ii.     Add questions from other quizzes, self-assessments, or surveys that are used in the course by selecting browse existing questions.


1.    Once selected, the page will expand from the right side of the page. Browse, locate, and select the desired questions by selecting the checkbox to the left of the title and then select import at the bottom of the page. 


17. Once done adding questions to the question section within the Question Library, select done editing questions in the top right corner of the page.