As part of SEU's commitment to ensuring brand consistency and legal compliance, faculty are required to use the official university email signature and included legal disclaimers. All employees are required to update their email signatures to match SEU’s standard format. While this establishes consistent and professional branding, the confidentiality statement in email signatures also needs to be implemented in order to maintain compliance with legal requirements. The legal disclaimer at the bottom of your signature must appear in all emails, new and replies. This tutorial demonstrates how to add an email signature to emails sent through MyFIRE.


1.     Log into your MyFIRE account and select the Message Alerts icon in the top right corner.

2.     Select Email.

3.     The page will refresh to show the Compose New Message page. Select Settings.

4.     The page will refresh to show the Email Settings. In the Email Signature box, copy and paste your SEU branded email signature. For the signature update steps, please visit the SEU brand site.

5.     If needed, format the signature as follows:

a.     First and Last Name

                                               i.     Font style: Arial Bold

                                             ii.     Font size: 24px

                                            iii.     Font color: Deep Red #cd2026

b.     Job Title, Department or College, and Office Phone and Email

Note: The ‘O’ and ‘E’ indicating Office Phone and Email will be Bold and Deep Red

                                               i.     Font style: Arial Regular

                                             ii.     Font size: 19px

                                            iii.     Font color: Dark Grey #202122

c.     Legal Disclaimer

                                               i.     Font style: Arial Regular

                                             ii.     Font size: 12px

                                            iii.     Font color: Dark Grey #202122

6.     Select Save at the bottom of the screen.

7.     The page will refresh to show the Compose New Message page. You should see your email signature in the Body textbox. This indicates that your changes were saved and your email signature will now appear at the bottom of all emails composed in MyFIRE.

8.     Select the MyFIRE logo in the top left corner to navigate back to your MyFIRE homepage. Please ensure you are not sending an email unless you are in one of your MyFIRE courses.