MyFIRE offers the option to email students from within the learning platform. This allows instructors and students to stay in communication with each other. When emails are sent through the MyFIRE platform, students receive the emails in their personal SEU email account. This tutorial demonstrates how to email students within your course in MyFIRE.


1.     Log into MyFIRE and select the desired course.

2.     Select the Course Tools tab at the top of the page in the navigation bar.

3.     Select Classlist from the drop down menu.

4.     When the page refreshes, select Email Classlist at the top of the page.

5.     When the page refreshes, select the Send Email button at the bottom of the page.

6.     A pop-up window will appear to compose an email. The students in the course will automatically be copied into the BCC field for confidentiality. Note: If editing or adding users to the To and CC fields, the maximum number of email addresses for a single email is 200.

a.     The course title will automatically be added in the subject line.  We recommend leaving the course title in the subject line for easier searchability in your email history.

7.     Next, compose the desired message to the students in your course within the MyFIRE Editor. Note: For further instructions on how to utilize the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the ‘How to Utilize the MyFIRE Editor’ tutorial.

8.     If desired, add attachments to the email message by dragging & dropping a file, selecting upload, record, or choose existing.

a.     Upload - Allows for files to be uploaded directly from a computer to the email message.

b.     Record - Allows for either a 30-minute video message or a 1-minute audio message to be recorded and attached to the email message.

c.     Choose Existing - Allows for files within the course, files from your MyFIRE ePortfolio account, or a previously recorded video note message to be added to the email.

                                               i.     If selected, a pop-up window will appear. Choose either Course Offering Files, ePortfolio, Video Note Search, or Google Drive.

d.     Once the desired file(s) have been added, the file titles or link will appear under the attachments section as a confirmation that the files were successfully added.

                                               i.     Select the ‘X’ icon to the right of the file title to delete the attached file from the message.

9.     If desired, set the priority level for the message that is being composed by selecting the Priority drop-down menu. The options include low, normal, and high.

10.  Once done composing the message, select Send at the bottom of the pop-up window.

a.     If you prefer to save and send the email at a later date, select Save as Draft.

b.     If the message needs to be deleted, select Cancel.

11.  There is an alternative option for emailing all or a select group of students within your course. From the Classlist page, choose the students that should receive the email message by selecting the checkbox to the left of each student’s name.

12.  If desiring to send all of the students in the course the email message, check the select all rows checkbox at the top of the list.

13.  If the classlist is long and you are needing to locate specific students quickly, at the top of the list there are additional searching options at the top of the class list.

a.     View By - This setting allows instructors to filter the class list by users or by groups.

                                               i.     If selected, choose either user or groups from the drop-down menu.

                                             ii.     Then select apply.

                                            iii.     When the page refreshes, if groups was selected, another drop-down menu will appear to further filter the students by the groups in the class.

b.     Search bar - This option allows instructors to search for students by typing the specified student’s name in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search.

c.     Show Search Options - This option allows instructors to search for students by searching by filter options that include the following categories:

                                               i.     Search In - This option allows instructors to filter the search by First name, Last name, Org Defined ID, and Username.

                                             ii.     Search Type - This option allows instructors to filter the search by choosing if the search starts with, contains, or if you are an exact match of the words that are entered in the search bar.

                                            iii.     Role - This option allows instructors to filter the search by choosing a specified user role in the class to search from.

                                            iv.     Flagged - This option allows instructors to filter the search by searching for users that have been flagged in the class list. Note: We do not recommend flagging students since students are able to view that they are flagged.

                                              v.     Accommodations - This option allows instructors to filter the search by searching for users that have had quiz accommodations granted to them in the course.

                                            vi.     Online Status - This option allows instructors to filter the search by searching for users that are either currently online or offline in the exact moment in MyFIRE.

                                           vii.     Last Access - This option allows instructors to filter the search by when students have last accessed the course during a specified time by enabling a start and/or end date.

d.     Once finished locating the desired students, select the email icon above the class list to compose and send an email.