Export ePortfolio Content to MyDesire2Learn Account


ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, course work, etc. that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in a certain area. You decide what items you want to include in your ePortfolio, how you want to organize them, and who you want to share them with.  

SEU Students can have access to their MyFIRE ePortfolio account after graduation by creating a myDesire2Learn account. To view steps on how to create a myDesire2Learn account, view this tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates how to export ePortfolio content to prepare an upload to a myDesire2Learn account. 

Note: A myDesire2Learn account is required to access an ePortfolio account. It is recommended that a student creates their myDesire2Learn account while they still have access to the MyFIRE system before graduation. Students will continue to have access to their SEU accounts until 30 days after graduation. 

1.    Navigate and login to MyFIRE. 

2.    On the homepage, select User Tools from the navigation bar at the top of the page.

3.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select ePortfolio

4.    Locate the desired ePortfolio artifact, collection, reflection, presentation in your account. 

5.    Once the item has been located, select the drop-down arrow to the right of the item’s title.  


6.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select Export from the menu. Note: If needed, scroll down the drop-down menu to locate Export. 


7.    A pop-up window will appear. Select Export presentation to an ePortfolio package (second option). 


8.    The pop-up window will expand to ask if you would like to automatically include associated items. This option is selected by default, and we highly recommend keeping this option selected. If any files are unassociated to the exported item, then the content in the file could break. 


9.    At the bottom of the pop-up window, select Next


10. The pop-up window will then process to prepare the package. Please wait for this process to fully complete


11. Once the package has finished processing, the pop-up window will then show a zip folder download. Select the zip folder link


12. The folder will then download to your computer. Depending on the type of browser that is being utilized, additional options may appear to open or save the file. 

a.    If presented with these options, select save file. 

b.    Then select Ok or Save


13. Once the zip folder has downloaded to your computer, locate and confirm that the file has downloaded to your computer. 

14. If you are ready to import the file in your MyDesire2Learn account, please follow the How to Import an ePortfolio Zip Folder to MyDesire2Learn tutorial.