Add a File to Media Library


Media Library offers instructors the option to manage media files within courses. The Media Library allows the option for storing, reviewing, and editing video files. There are two main ways that instructors can utilize Media Library. 

·       Uploaded media files to your course (e.g., recording a feedback video or adding a video note within the course) will automatically be added to the Media Library. 

·       Media files can be uploaded or recorded directly in the Media Library tool.

This tutorial demonstrates how to add files to the Media Library tool within MyFIRE. 

1.    Access Media Library by selecting the admin tools gear icon in the right top corner of the screen. 


2.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select media library


3.    When the page refreshes, a list of all of the media files that you have uploaded or created in your courses will be listed under your my media folder on the page. 


4.    Add media files by selecting the blue add button


5.    A drop-down menu will appear. There are two options available. Select either to upload an already created media file or choose to record a new video by selecting upload file or record webcam


a.    Option 1: Upload a File

                                               i.     Once upload file is selected, a pop-up window will appear. Locate and select the desired file from your computer. The max file size is 2 GB. It is recommended to upload videos as a .MP4 file and audio files as a .MP3 file. 

1.    If the file size is larger than 2 GB (equivalent to 2000 MB & 2,000,000 KB), then the video file will need to be compressed before continuing to the next step. There are a few options that are available to compress video files are: 



c. will contain a watermark)

d.    Handbrake (This is downloadable software. If utilizing an SEU computer, you may need to contact the SEU IT department for assistance.) 

                                              ii.     Once the desired file has been selected, select open

                                            iii.     A message will then appear in the bottom right corner of the screen that shows the upload process status. The upload process may take a few minutes to complete based on the size of the video file and your internet speed. 

                                            iv.     When the upload process is complete, a green checkmark will appear, and the media file will be added to the top of the My Media list. 



b.    Option 2: Record Webcam  

                                               i.     Once selected, a pop-up window will appear to open the recording tool. 

                                              ii.     MyFIRE will need to have access to the microphone and camera on your computer to proceed. Another pop-up window may appear on your screen asking for permission to use your webcam and microphone. If asked, choose the desired webcam and microphone, and select allow. 

                                            iii.     Once ready to start recording, in the pop-up window, select new recording. Videos and audio files can be recorded up to 30 minutes in length. Note: Before beginning to record, ensure that the microphone on your computer is turned on and is not muted on the keyboard.  

1.    If recording an audio file only, switch the audio toggle to on.

                                            iv.     Select new recording

                                             v.     When you are finished recording the message, select stop recording.


                                            vi.     Once stop recording has been selected, the recording will automatically play back to you. Review the video or audio recording to ensure that you are satisfied with the recording and can hear yourself audibly in the recording by pressing play. 

                                           vii.     If you are satisfied with the recording, select next.

                                         viii.     Titlethe recording. 

                                            ix.     Enter a description for the recording. Note: Entering a description will help you locate the recording at a later date. 

                                             x.     Then select the audio language spoken in the recording from the drop-down menu. 

                                            xi.     Select the automatically generate captions from audio checkbox if desired. 

                                           xii.     Select finish at the bottom of the pop-up window. 

                                         xiii.     A message will be in the center of the screen asking you to please wait, and then a second message will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen that shows the upload process status. The upload process may take a few minutes to complete based on the size of the video file and your internet speed.  

                                         xiv.     When the upload process is complete, a green checkmark will appear, and the media file will be added to the top of the My Media list.