Enable Retakes on Incorrect Quiz Questions


When creating a quiz in MyFIRE, instructors with editing access will have the opportunity to allow students to reattempt the quiz by retaking incorrect questions only. In order for this feature to be enabled, students must be granted at least 2 attempts in the quiz settings. When students submit an attempt for incorrect questions on quizzes, the points earned will be added to the original score. This tutorial demonstrates how to enable retakes on incorrect quiz questions in MyFIRE.

1.    Navigate to the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select instructor tools from the navigation bar at the top of the page. 


3.    Select course admin from the drop-down menu. 


4.    When the page refreshes, locate and select quizzes


5.    The page will refresh to show all of the quizzes that have been created in the course. Locate the desired quiz


6.    Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the quiz title. 


7.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select edit.  


8.    The page will refresh to show the quiz in editing mode. Select the assessment tab


9.    Then scroll down the page and locate attempts allowed


10. Ensure that the attempts allowed drop-down menu is set to 2 attempts or higherNote: Enabling retakes for missed questions will not function with only one attempt.  


11. Then select the retake incorrect questions only checkbox to enable the retake feature for students. 


12. Next, choose how the students’ grades will be calculated by selecting the desired grade calculation from the overall grade calculation drop-down menu. Calculation options include: highest attempt, lowest attempt, average of all attempts, first attempt, or last attempt. 


13. Once finished selecting the desired settings, select save and close at the bottom of the page.