Preview a Quiz as a Learner


MyFIRE offers instructors the option to preview quizzes to view how students would see the quiz. This tutorial demonstrates how professors can preview a quiz in MyFIRE. 

1.    Navigate to the desired course.

2.    Select the Instructor Tools tab at the top of the page in the navigation bar.


3.    Select Course Admin.


4.    Select Quizzes.


5.    Locate the desired quiz


6.    Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the quiz you want to preview as a student. 


7.    In the drop-down menu, select preview.


8.    Next, select start quiz.


9.    Navigate through the quiz just as the student would. When you have completed the quiz, select submit quiz. 


10. When the page refreshes, select submit quiz at the bottom of the page.Note: If the Disable Communication tools option is enabled in any quiz or course, the instructor's communication tools will be disabled during the preview attempt as well. Therefore, when previewing a quiz, ensure that the quiz is submitted at the bottom of the page, instead of selecting exit preview. This will allow the instructor’s communications tools to be enabled once done previewing the quiz.


11. Then, select done, or, exit preview