Set-up Requirements. Ensure a laptop or desktop computer is used for the duration of the course. A tablet or phone is not supported. Utilize the preferred browse: Chrome. Students have instant access to Achieve. Accessing Achieve. Step 1. Select the Achieve Module in the Table of Contents. Step 2. Select the MacMillian Course Tools Launch link. Step 3. When the page refreshes, select the first option - Achieve. Navigating Achieve. When Achieve is opened, the first screen shown is the assignments. Step 1. Select Assignments on the left. Step 2. In the drop-down, select Course Content. The page will refresh and show the course's learning material that mirrors MyFIRE.
Achiece Assignments. Practice Test - Complete this to the best of your ability. How the questions are answered will determine the topics covered in the study plan. Study Plan - Start after the Practice Test and is due in Module 7. LearningCurve - Is adaptive to how questions are answered. If a question is incorrect, another question will be askwed until the score threshold is met. Exercises - The thesis writing prompts are submitted to MyFIRE. Final Test - Is cummulative test that covers all topics in the course. Assignment Attempts. Students have one attempt on the practice and final test. If you need an extra attempt or access enabled, please reach out to your instructor. The instructor determines if the request is approved or not. Gradebook. The MyFIRE gradebook may not have the correct final grade calculation until the instructor is able to enter the grades into the corresponding grade items. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Questions. If you experience any issues or error messages, please email and let them know the steps you have taken prior to the error. If available, please provide screenshots. For any other questions, please reach out to your instructor.