Create a Gradebook Category


Gradebooks are split into Categories and Items. Categories are sections in the gradebook that house the grade items, which are listed beneath each category. Categories can be set to divide up points and weights across all items so when items are completed, the grade items contribute to a final grade for the category. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a gradebook category in MyFIRE. 

1.    Locate the course where you would like to create a gradebook category.

2.    Select grades from the navigation bar


3.    Select manage grades.


4.    Select new to create a new gradebook category.


5.    In the drop-down menu, select category.


6.    Enter a category title in the name field. 


7.    If using a points-based grading system and if bonus grade items will be added to the grade category, select the allow category grade to exceed category weight checkbox.


8.    If the gradebook is a points-based gradebook and if the category should not be calculated into the final grade calculation, select the checkbox for exclude from final grade calculation.


9.    If using a weighted grading system, under the Grading section, enter the weight of the grade category. 


a.    If bonus grade items will be added to the grade category, select the checkbox allow category grade to exceed category weight.


10. Next, choose a distribution based upon the course’s design. 

a.    If using a weighted grading system, select how the weight will be distributed across the category by choosing one of the following options: 

                                               i.     Manually Assign Weights to Items in the Category - this option allows instructors to have grade items with different weight values. 

                                              ii.     Distribute weights by points across all items in the category - this option will automatically calculate the grade items’ weight based upon the grade items’ point value. For example, if one item is worth 100 points and a second item is worth 50 points, the first item will have a higher weight in the category. 

                                            iii.     Distribute weight evenly across all items - This option will automatically assign the same weight to all gradebook items in the category (totaling 100%). Also, this is the only option that allows for the highest or lowest grade items to be dropped).

b.    If using a points grading system and if all grade items nested under the category should have the same point value, select the distribute points across all Items checkbox. 

                                               i.     Then enter the desired number of points that each grade item under this specified category will have in the points per Item field.

                                              ii.     If you would like to drop the highest or lowest grade item (non-bonus) automatically, enter the number of items to drop from the gradebook final grade calculation in the preferred highest or lowest field. For example, if you would like to drop the 2 lowest grade items in the category, enter a ’2’ in the Number of lowest non-bonus items to drop for each user.  


11. Under the display option settings, there are options to override the view settings for both students and instructors for the category total. ID&T does not recommend changing the display options in the category and grade item settings individually. If you would like to change the student display options, please navigate to the Setup Wizard (step 6) to make the display change systematically for the whole gradebook. If any display changes are made individually to the gradebook category or item, then any additional changes will need to be made or updated on the category/grade item level moving forward.


12. Select save and close. The category will display in the gradebook. Grade items can now be nested in the category, or move grade items into the newly created category.