Set Up the Gradebook Structure


When preparing to teach a course in MyFIRE, the first step is to set up the gradebook. It is a vital step for the course to function properly for both the students and the instructor. This tutorial demonstrates how to set up a gradebook within a course in MyFIRE. 

1.    Locate the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    Select the Grades tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page.


3.    Select Setup Wizard.


4.    When the page refreshes, select start at the bottom of the page.


5.    Next, choose the desired grading system from Weighted, Points, or Formula. 


a.    Points display grades as point values. 

b.    Weighted grades will display grades as percentages of grades based on 100%. 

c.     Formula gradebooks are point value gradebooks, but instructors have the option of choosing how the final grade column is calculated. For help with formula gradebooks, please reach out to 24/7 helpdesk (1-888-889-6599).  

                                               i.     For example: 

1.    Weighted:

a.    Assignments Category (20% of final grade)

     -Assignment 1 Item (50% of Assignments)
     -Assignment 2 Item (50% of Assignments)
Final Exam Item (80% of final grade)

2.    Points:

a.    Assignments Category (40 points)

-Assignment 1 Item (20 points)
     -Assignment 2 Item (20 points)
Final Exam Item (200 points)

6.    Select continue at the bottom of the page.


7.    When the page refreshes, select Calculated Final Grade as this option will allow students to view their grade as they continue in the course. Additionally, instructors will still have the option to make final grade adjustments when utilizing the calculated final grade option.  

Note: Calculate Final Grade and Automatically Release Final Grades will be selected by default).


8.    Select continue at the bottom of the page.


9.    When the page refreshes, choose the desired grade calculation. It is recommended to select drop ungraded items and give zeros when grading throughout the weeks if students do not submit their work. This will give students the most accurate picture of their grade.


a.    Drop Ungraded Items - This option will not calculate the empty cells in the gradebook into the final grade. Students will start out with an A in the course. 

Note: If zeros are not entered into the empty cells where students did not submit until the end of the term or semester, the students will see a drop in their grade and may be surprised by the change. 

b.    Treat Ungraded Items as 0 - This option would automatically give all empty cells in the gradebook zeros. Students will start the course with an F and will need to earn their way up the gradebook.

10. Next, select automatically keep final grade updated  


11. Select continue at the bottom of the page.


12. When the page refreshes, choose the default grade scheme: Percentage or Letter Grade   

13. Select continue at the bottom of the page.


14. When the page refreshes, choose the number of decimals to display for the instructor view of the gradebook. The value must be an integer between 0 and 5. The default decimal place is 2. 


15. Select continue at the bottom of the page.


16. When the page refreshes, select the student view display of the gradebook by choosing the options below: 


a.    Choose the Grade Details will automatically have the points grade, grade scheme symbol and grade scheme color selected by default.

b.    Enter the number of decimals you want to display for your gradebook. The default decimal place is 2. 

c.     Enter the number of characteristics to display for text items. 50 characters is the maximum and the default number. 


d.    The Final Grade Calculation will automatically be selected.


e.    Select Continue


f.      Review the grades setup summary then, select  Finish  


g.    Choose Personal Display options by selecting the Settings gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen. 


                                               i.     Choose if you want to see students’ ID and username in the gradebook by selecting the corresponding checkboxes. 

                                              ii.     Select the instructor view display of the gradebook by choosing the preferred grade details:

1.    Points Gradebook

a.    Points Grade - Achieved points over total grade item points

b.    Grade Scheme Symbol - Percentage or Letter 

c.     Grade Scheme Color - a color scheme that shows how students are performing per grade item:

                                                                                                     i.     Blue – A

                                                                                                    ii.     Green – B

                                                                                                  iii.     Yellow – C

                                                                                                  iv.     Light Orange/Peach - D and above 50%

                                                                                                   v.     Red - Under 50% total grade

2.    Weighted Gradebook

a.    Points Grade - Achieved points over total grade item points

b.    Weighted Grade - ID&T does not recommend showing this option unless you want to see the weight that grade items holds. This option will appear as a percentage. 

c.     Grade Scheme Symbol - Percentage or Letter

d.    Grade Scheme Color- a color scheme that shows how students are performing per grade item

                                            iii.     Select the number of characters cisplayed in the feedback Column. 50 characters is the maximum and the default number. 

                                            iv.     The number of columns before user details repeat option is no longer valid and used due to a system update. The User Details now scroll along as you move through the page. Please skip to the next step. 

                                             v.     Select the number of users before the column header repeats to choose how often the grade item titles repeat in the gradebook. The number of users are now managed through the pagination at the bottom of the page. Please skip to the next step. 

                                            vi.     The Repeat Final Grades option is automatically selected based on the Final Grade Calculation chosen - This option allows for the Final Grade Column to be added to the beginning of the Enter Grades view of the gradebook. ID&T recommends leaving the repeat calculated final grade at the start of the user list checked by default. 

                                           vii.     The default page that instructors see when navigating to the Grades tool is set to the Enter Grades tab. The start page view is optional and can be changed. However, please keep in mind that when Grades is selected in the Navbar, the page that is selected is the page that will appear. ID&T recommends keeping the default enter grades page as your start page. 

                                         viii.     Select  Save