Delete a Grade Item or Category


Within the MyFIRE system, deleting a grade item or category is available when a grade item or category is no longer relevant to a course. The following steps demonstrate how to delete a category or grade item successfully in MyFIRE. 

1.    Access the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    In the navigation bar at the top of the page, select grades.


3.    Select manage grades. 


4.    Locate the item that should be deleted. 


5.    Determine if the item is a grade category or grade item. If the item to be deleted is a category, continue to step 7.  


a.    Grade Category - Grade categories have a light blueish-gray background color on the manage grades page. 

b.    Grade Item - Grade items have a white background color on the manage grades page. 


6.    For a grade item, view the the association column. Does the association column have either assignment, discussion, or quiz listed? 

a.    If the association column is empty and the grade item is not associated, continue to step 8

b.    If the item is associated with a learning tool (assignments, discussions, or quizzes), additional steps will need to occur to disassociate the grade item prior to deleting the grade item. Select the question mark icon to view which assessment activity is associated to the grade item. 

                                               i.     Once done reviewing the associated assessment, select Ok to close the pop-up window.  


c.     At the top of the page, select the instructor tools tab in the navigation bar.


d.    In the drop-down menu, select course admin


e.    When the page refreshes, select the learning tool (assignments, discussions, or quizzes) that is associated to the grade item.  


f.      When the learning tool page opens, locate the assessment that is connected to the grade item. 


g.    Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the title. 


h.    From the drop-down menu, select edit.  


i.      When editing the assessment, locate the grade item field.  


                                               i.     In Assignments, the grade item field is located on the main page. Select the in grade book drop-down menu, and then select not in grade book

                                              ii.     In Discussions and Quizzes, the grade item field is located under the Assessment tab.

1.    When the drop-down menu appears, change the grade item to none

j.      Select save and close after the editing the grade item field to save the changes in the assessment. 


k.     Repeat steps 6b-6j for each learning tool assessments that need to be disassociated from the gradebook. 

7.    Once finished disassociating the learning assessments, navigate back to the grades tab and select manage grades.


8.    At the top of the Manage Grades page, select more actions.


9.    When the drop-down menu appears, select delete.


10. Locate the desired grade item(s) you want to delete and select the checkbox to the left. 

Note: If a question mark icon appears next to a grade item that needs to be deleted, then complete steps 6b-6j for the specified grade item. 


11. Then select delete at the bottom of the page. 


12. A pop-up window appear to confirm the selection. Select delete.