Contact Your Instructor Before the Start of a Course


MyFIRE allows students to contact their professor directly through courses. Students gain access to course content 7 days prior to the start of the course. If students need to contact their professor before the start of a course, then students are able to contact their professors outside of MyFIRE. This tutorial demonstrates how students can contact their professors before the start of courses through their JICS account.

1.    Login to JICS from your OneLogin account.

2.    Once logged into your JICS account, select the Student tab at the top of the page. 


3.    Scroll down and select Student schedule on the left side of the page. 


4.    When the page refreshes, select the correct term from the term drop-down menu.


5.    Then select your division by selecting the division drop-down menu.   


6.    Next, select search


7.    When your courses appear, select the underline course code for the desired course. 


8.    When the page refreshes, select the envelope icon to the right of the instructor’s name. 


9.    A pop-up window will appear. Choose the desired email application from the available options. 


10. Then select OK