Try to avoid ALL CAPS. It can be perceived as SHOUTING. Instead, try bold for emphasis or italics. In an online discussion, debate is welcome, but be respectful in responding to others. Remember there's a person (or a whole class) at the receiving end of your post. f you only want to reach one person in the class, send a message to that individual's e-mail address, and not to the entire discussion list. Think twice and send once. Once you send something that's not well-thought out. you will find it difficult to recover. Take into consideration what you want your peers and professor(s) to think about you. When utilizing your webcam, keep in mind your attire. Others will see you and your environment. Utilize humor in appropriate forms. Avoid hostile, abusive, libelous, or rude comments. Vulgar, sexist, racist biased, or other objectionable language will not be tolerated. Make your messages easier to read by keeping your paragraphs short and to the point. Be professional when addressing your professors and peers in online discussions, emails, and other forms of communication. Utilize spell and grammar check. The little errors commonly accepted in texts with friends and family (i.e. LOL OMG, bet thx, & etc.) are distracting and inappropriate in a online college discussion. Reinforce others in the course (e.g., Good presentation! or Thanks for the feedback.). Constructive criticism that is expressed appropriately is acceptable. Avoid insulting, roasting, or flaming others.