Bulk Edit in Content


Many times, it is easier for professors to edit content items by utilizing the bulk edit tool within the content page. This feature allows professors to edit topic titles, dates, restrictions, descriptions, change the visibility, or delete individual content items. This tutorial demonstrates how a user can bulk edit in MyFIRE.  

1.    Navigate to the specified course in MyFIRE.

2.    Once within the course, select the content tab at the top of the page in MyFIRE.


3.    Locate and select the desired module or sub-module.


4.    At the top of the page of the module or sub-module, select bulk edit.


5.    The page will refresh to show additional editing options. The editing options that are available are: 


a.    Edit the Topic Title: 

                                               i.     To edit the title, select the title. The title field will become editable. 

                                              ii.     Change the title to the desired title by typing in the editable field. 

                                            iii.     Once done editing the title, select any open blank space on the page outside of the title. The newly edited title will automatically save. 

b.    Add Start, Due, or End Dates:

                                               i.     Select add dates and restrictions underneath the desired topic.

                                              ii.     Add a start, due, or end date by selecting the add date corresponding option(s).  

                                            iii.     Enter the desired date and time for the start, due, or end date.

                                            iv.     Select update to save the newly edited dates.


c.     Add Release Conditions:

                                               i.     Refer to the attach a release condition from content tutorial

d.    Add a Description

                                               i.     Select add a description underneath the specified topic. A text box will appear.


                                              ii.     Formatthe description as desired. If needed, refer to the Utilize the MyFIRE Editor tutorial.

                                            iii.     Select update to save the newly created description. 


e.    Change the Visibility of Content Topics

                                               i.     Select the eyeball icon to the right of the topic title. Once selected, a toggle will appear.


                                              ii.     Slide the toggle to change the eye icon between visible and hidden.


1.    Visibleis with an open eye icon.   

2.    Hiddenis an eye icon with a strikethrough

f.      Delete Content Topics

                                               i.     Select the trash bin icon to the right of the topic title.

                                              ii.     A pop-up window will appear with two deletion options. Select remove the topic from Content but keep the associated file or activity in the course

                                            iii.     Select delete at the bottom of the pop-up window. 


6.    Once finished making the desired update(s) to the module or sub-module, scroll up to the top of the page, and select done editing.