Change the Visibility of Content Items


Face-to-Face Instructors can set the visibility state for course content by deciding if content items should be hidden from students’ view or visible to students. When content is in the hidden state, it is not visible to learners in MyFIRE. When instructors have set the content item to visible, the content is viewable to the students. This tutorial demonstrates how to change the visibility state of an item in the content page.

1.    Locate and access the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select the content tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page. 


3.    When the Content page loads, there are multiple ways to change the visibility state of content items:


a.    Change the Visibility of a Module:

                                               i.     Select the desired module from the table of contents menu on the left-side of the page. 


                                              ii.     When the page refreshes on the right-side, select the eyeball icon on the top right side of the page to change the visibility status of each content item. The default visibility status is visible.

                                            iii.     Once the eyeball icon selected, the visibility menu will expand. Select the green checkmark to hide the desired content item.  


                                            iv.     When the green checkmark is selected, a crossed-out eye icon will appear on the visibility menu and on the module title in the table of contents. Additionally, the word hidden will appear under the module title.

                                             v.     To change the visibility status back to visible, select the gray box. The visibility status will refresh to show a green checkmark. The crossed-out eye icon and the word hidden will be removed from the table of contents menu. 

b.    Change the Visibility of an Individual Content Item within a Module

                                               i.     Locate the desired content item within the content page. 


                                              ii.     Once the content items have been located within a specific module, select the drop-down arrow to the right of the item’s title. 


                                            iii.     A drop-down menu will appear. Select either hide from users or make visible to users for the desired visibility state.


1.    Hide from Users - when this option is selected, a crossed-out eye icon will appear to the right of the content item’s title. 

2.    Make Visible to Users - when this option is selected, the eye icon will disappear. 


c.     Change the Visibility of Multiple Content Items within a Module

                                               i.     Locate and select the desired module from the table of contents menu on the left-side of the page.  

                                              ii.     Near the top of the module page, locate the content menu.  

                                            iii.     Select bulk edit

                                            iv.     When bulk edit is selected, the page will refresh showing the current visibility status of each content item nested within the module on the right-side of the page. The default visibility status is visible.    

                                             v.     To change the visibility status of each content item, select the eyeball icon.  

                                            vi.     Once the eyeball icon selected, the visibility menu will expand. Select the green checkmark to hide the desired content item. 

                                           vii.     Once the green checkmark is selected, the visibility status for the content item will change to a hidden status.  

                                         viii.     To change the visibility status back to visible, select the gray box. The visibility status will refresh to show a green checkmark. 

                                            ix.     Repeat steps cv-cviiifor each content item that the visibility status needs to be updated. 

                                             x.     Once finished bulk editing the statuses of the content items within a module, select done editing at the top of the module or submodule.