Import an ePortfolio Zip Folder to MyDesire2Learn


ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, course work, etc. that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in a certain area. You decide what items you want to include in your ePortfolio, how you want to organize them, and who you want to share them with. 


SEU Students can have access to their MyFIRE ePortfolio account after graduation by creating a myDesire2Learn account. To view steps on how to create a myDesire2Learn account, view this tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates how to import ePortfolio content from a zip folder into a myDesire2Learn account. 


Note: A myDesire2Learn account is required to access an ePortfolio account. It is recommended that a student creates their myDesire2Learn account while they still have access to the MyFIRE system before graduation. Students will continue to have access to their SEU accounts until 30 days after graduation. 

1.    Navigate to

2.    Log in with the account credentials that were created from following the steps in the How to Create a myDesire2Learn Account tutorial. 

3.    Once logged in, select My Items at the top of the page.


4.    Then select the more actions button. 


5.    A drop-down menu will appear. Select Go to Import/ Export page


6.    When the page refreshes, select the import button.  


7.    Next, select Choose File to browse for the desired zip folder. 


8.    Locate and select the desired Zip Folder in your downloads folder (or another folder if the files were saved elsewhere) on your computer. 


9.    Select open. You may also double-click on the file to open the file. 


10. Once the folder has attached, it will appear to the right of the choose file button. 


11. Select next.


12. The folder will begin to import. Please allow the folder to fully import. This may take a couple of moments depending on your internet speed. 


13. Once the folder has fully imported, the page will refresh to show a preview of the ePortfolio items that will be imported. 


14. At this point, if there is an item that should not be imported, select the ‘X’ icon to the right of the item to remove the item from the list.


15. For the myDesire2Learn account, each user will have a maximum of 2 GB worth of space. Below the items to be imported, users can review how much space the imported items will use of the 2 GB. 


a.    If the files to be imported are too large in size, exclude the large file from the current import and try to import the large file(s) once again by:

                                               i.     Navigating to the individual item in your ePortfolio account in MyFIRE. 

                                              ii.     Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the item’s title. 

                                            iii.     When the drop-down menu appears, select Export. 

                                            iv.     steps 10-14.

16. Then create tag(s) to associate keywords with the presentation to make it easier to locate at a later date. You can search for items with specific tags, and other users can use your tags to search for items (Your items will not show unless shared). Once you have created your tag(s), select Add Tag. Tags can be added in bulk by separating them with commas. 

a.    To make a multiple-word tag, place double quotes around the entire phrase. For example: typing "winter project" makes the two words a single tag. 

b.    To make a private tag that only you can see, type an @ symbol in front of the tag. For example: typing @draft adds a private @draft tag to an item that other users will not see when you share the item with them. 

c.     To make a private multiple-word tag, put the at symbol before the quotation marks, for example: @"rough draft".

17. Next, select import at the bottom of the screen. 


18. When the page refreshes, the portal will state that the import is in progress. 


a.    If you would like to watch the import progress, select view progress of the import package.  


b.    A pop-up window will appear to show the progress. Once the import has completed, the pop-up window will show your file has been imported. 


c.     Select close once the import has finished. 


19. Then select done on the import page. 


20. When the page refreshes, you will return to the Import/Export ePortfolio Content page within the myDesire2Learn account. 


21. At this point, you have successfully imported your ePortfolio content into your myDesire2Learn account. Navigate, review, organize, edit, and share the ePortfolio items as desired.