Upload a File to your ePortfolio


ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, course work, etc. that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in a certain area. You decide what items you want to include in your ePortfolio, how you want to organize them, and who you want to share them with. This tutorial shows how to upload a file to your ePortfolio.

1.    Login to MyFIRE

2.    Select User Tools at the top of the page in the navbar


3.    From the drop-down menu, select ePortfolio 


4.    The page will refresh to show the ePortfolio dashboard, which is the main page.

5.    Select the My Items tab. 


6.    Select the blue Add button to upload a file to your ePortfolio account. 


7.    From the drop-down menu that appears, select file upload


8.    When the page refreshes, a pop-up window will appear. Either drag & drop the desired file into the drag & drop field, or select upload to browse and choose a file from your computer.


9.    Once the file has loaded, the title will show in blue and be clickable.


a.    If a file needs to be deleted, select the X icon to the right of the file title. 


10. Select add at the bottom of the page to add the file to your ePortfolio.

11. When the page refreshes, confirm that the file should be added to the ePortfolio by selecting next


12. When the page refreshes, title the file in the name field. The same name of the uploaded file will appear automatically in this field. Change the file name if desired.


13. Then, enter a description for the file if desired in the description textbox. 


14. Next, tag the file - Tags are keywords that allow for the artifact item to be searched easily within the ePortfolio tool. You can search for items with specific tags, and other users can use your tags to search for items (Your items will not show unless shared). Once you have created your tag(s), select Add Tag. Tags can be added in bulk by separating them with commas. 


a.    To make a multiple-word tag, place double quotes around the entire phrase. For example: typing "winter project" makes the two words a single tag. 

b.    To make a private tag that only you can see, type an @ symbol in front of the tag. For example: typing @draft adds a private @draft tag to an item that other users will not see when you share the item with them.

c.     To make a private multiple-word tag, put the at symbol before the quotation marks, for example: @"rough draft".  

15. Select save at the bottom of the page. 


16. When the page refreshes scroll down the page. Under the Comments/Assessments title, the Allow others to add/view comments and assessments checkbox(s) are checked by default. If you would not like other users to view, comment, or view assessments for the presentation, unselect the desired checkbox.

17. If you would like to attach a rubric to the presentation, select Add Rubrics to attach an existing rubric from your course(s). Note: To add a rubric from a specific course, first navigate to the desired course in your MyFIRE account. Then, enter the ePortfolio from the User Tools menu to access the rubrics for a specific course. Additionally, if your professor would like for a specific rubric to be added, please ask him or her for the exact rubric title to ensure that the correct rubric is being added to the presentation. 

a.    If selected, a pop-up window will appear.

b.    Search for the desired rubric by typing the name or keyword in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon

c.     Then select the desired rubric(s) by selecting the corresponding checkbox to the left of the item. 


18. Under the Presentations Containing this Artifact title, once the newly added file has been added to presentations in your ePortfolio, the selected presentations will be listed in the presentation list field. 


19. If desired, link the file to Learning Objectives in your course by selecting


Associate Learning Objectives

Note: Learning Objectives are in the development process of being attached to courses. For the time being, learning objectives will not be available to attach.


20. When the page refreshes, the title of the file will be listed at the top of the page. The file can be previewed by selecting open file under the title. 


21. If desired, associate a reflection to the newly uploaded file by selecting add reflection


a.    In the pop-up window that appears, name the reflection in the title field. 

b.    Type your thoughts about the file within the Reflection textboxNote: For further instructions on how to utilize/navigate the content HTML editor textbox, please refer to the ‘How to use the HTML Editor’ tutorial.

c.     Next, tag the reflection - Tags are keywords that allow for the artifact item to be searched easily within the ePortfolio tool. Refer to step 14 above for instructions on how to tag an item.

d.    Select add at the bottom of the pop-up window. 


22. Then if desired, add comments to the file by selecting add comments

a.    A pop-up window will appear, providing a textbox to enter a comment. 

b.    Select add at the bottom of the pop-up window to add the comment.

c.     When the page refreshes, the newly created comment will be listed under the comments title. From this page: 

                                               i.     The user that created the comment will be visible

                                              ii.     The comment itself will be visible under the creator’s name. 

                                            iii.     The Posted In column will list where the comment was posted to.

                                            iv.     The date and time that the comment was posted will be listed under the date posted column.

                                             v.     If a comment needs to be deleted, select the checkbox to the left of the desired comment, and then select the trash can icon within the last column to the right to delete the selected comment. Note: You will only be able to delete your comments on your items. 

1.    A pop-up window will appear to confirm if you would like to delete the comment. Select yes


23. If an assessment was linked to the file, the assessment title will show in the Assessments field. 


24. Once done adding reflections, comments, viewing linked assessments, or making edits, select the ePortfolio breadcrumb at the top of the page to navigate back to the main page