The homepage is the first page that is visible to the user after logging in to MyFIRE, and will provide pathways for students to access courses and various resources to support your academic journey. This tutorial demonstrates how students will navigate the student homepage in MyFIRE. 

1.        Once you are logged into MyFIRE, your user homepage will appear.

2.        At the top of the page, the navigation bar will include User Tools, Need Help, and My Progress.

a.        User Tools

                                                                                             i.         Announcements - Visit this page to view course announcements from your instructors or from the Digital Learning department (the MyFIRE team).

                                                                                          ii.         Awards - Visit this page to view awards and certificates you have earned from your courses.

                                                                                       iii.         ePortfolio - This tool allows you to store, organize, reflect on, and share items, including documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, and coursework that demonstrate your learning experience. You decide what items you want to include in your ePortfolio, how you want to organize them, and who you want to share them with.

b.        Need Help

                                                                                             i.         System Check - This page will allow you to complete a system check for your browser compatibility with MyFIRE. If you are experiencing issues, visit the system check page to see if your browser passes the system check. If it does pass, a checkmark will appear next to each item checked and will state “All checks passed” at the top of the page.

                                                                                          ii.         MyFIRE Support - Visit this page if you need additional MyFIRE technical assistance and support. This page will include contact information to our 24/7 support center.

                                                                                       iii.         Online Tutoring: Brainfuse - Visit the Brainfuse page to access help from live tutors, a library of lessons and videos, and form study groups with peers and faculty to expand and enhance your learning.

                                                                                       iv.         Pulse Mobile App - This page will direct you to the mobile app that is available to students to view content and stay up-to-date with courses on the go.

                                                                                          v.         SEU Library - This page will navigate directly to SEU’s Steelman Library.

                                                                                       vi.         Technical Requirements - This page highlights SEU’s technical requirements that are vital to have an optimal user experience within MyFIRE.

c.        My Progress - This page is where students can view their class progress for each of their registered courses for the current term. It provides a quick in-depth look at a summary of your actions and coursework.

3.        At the very top right of the homepage, you will have some communication and notification options available to you. For each alert option, if there is an orange dot at the top of the icon, that means there is a new notification waiting for your review. Alerts will be available for 90 days.

a.        Message Alerts (envelope icon) - Select the message alerts icon to instant message or email one of your professors or classmates from the homepage. Note: If needing directions on how to instant message or email within MyFIRE, view the How to Instant Message and How to Contact Your Instructor or Classmates tutorials.

b.        Subscription Alerts (chat icon) - Subscription alerts allow you to receive notifications on any discussion forum or ePortfolio items that you have subscribed to within MyFIRE.

c.        Updates Alerts (bell icon) - The update alerts allow you to receive notifications that pertain to your course(s). For example, each time your professor posts an announcement in the course or posts a grade for an assessment, you will be notified of the change within the Updates alert section.

4.        To navigate to your courses, select the Course Selector (waffle icon) icon at the top of your homepage.

a.        Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear showing all of the courses that are available to you.

b.        Select the course title to navigate to the course homepage.

5.        Hover over the available flip tiles to access reminders, tutorials, and resources that are available to you as a student. The flip titles could include a reminder about completing the Student Acknowledgement & Attendance Confirmation survey in your courses, tutorials on how to contact your professors, access the course syllabi, how to view your class progress, and links to SEU’s academic services. Be sure to fully read the back of the flip tiles as they include important information for your success. Note: The information provided in the flip tiles will be based on the type of course that you are taking.

6.        Scrolling past the banner, you may or may not see SEU Announcements on the homepage. These announcements on the homepage are from the Digital Learning department (the MyFIRE team), and they include information regarding the MyFIRE learning environment.

a.        If an announcement is present, please ensure that you read the announcement carefully as you may be impacted.

b.        These announcements will only appear when necessary.

7.        The Steelman Library portal allows you to gain access to libguides, databases, and a myriad of resources that you may need for your coursework. Once ready to access the library, select the library picture in the middle of the tile.

8.        If you are needing technical assistance with MyFIRE, select “Find Answers Here” to access support via Chat or phone by calling 1-888-889-6599. SEU’s Support Center is available 24/7, including holidays and weekends. If you are an international student, it is recommended that you utilize the Chat feature to contact the support center.

9.        Get a quick glance of upcoming events by selecting the arrows and access the course calendar by selecting the calendar title. Refer to the How to Utilize the Calendar tutorial if needing additional directions.

10.  Connect and check your SEU emails directly in MyFIRE by selecting Link to your Google Workspace account. If needing assistance, refer to the How to Link Your SEU Email Account to MyFIRE tutorial.

11.  Once ready to log out of your MyFIRE account, select your name in the top right-hand corner of the homepage.

a.        A drop-down menu will appear. Select log out.