Add Special Access to a Quiz


MyFIRE offers the option for instructors to allow students special access to quizzes. Special access allows instructors to edit or extend the date and time for when a quiz is due for individual students and/or grant additional quiz attempts. This tutorial demonstrates how to grant special access to students on a quiz. 

1.    Locate the desired course in MyFIRE. 

2.    Select instructor tools from the navigation bar.


3.    Then select course admin from the drop-down menu.


4.    Locate and select quizzes under the Assessment category.


5.    When the page refreshes, a list of quizzes that are available in the course will be displayed. Locate the desired quiz and select the drop-down arrow to the right of the quiz title.


6.    Select edit from the drop-down menu. 


7.    When the page refreshes, select the availability dates & conditions tab at the top right of the page. 


8.    Locate Special Access and select manage special access


9.    A pop-up window will then appear with the special access settings. Choose the desired type of special access that should be granted. 

a.    Allow selected users special access to this quiz- This option allows for individual students to have a different due date, due time, amount of time to complete the quiz, and/or different amount of attempts than the restriction settings that have been chosen for the entire class.  

b.    Allow only users with special access to see this quiz- This option allows only a specific individual or group of students in the course to view and access the specified quiz. 

Note: If this option is enabled, then anyone who has not been granted special access to the quiz will not have access to view or attempt the quiz.


10. Next, select add users to special access.


11. Another pop-up window will appear. Set the desired special access properties by first determining if the student(s) need to have a different due date, or start date than the rest of the class by selecting the corresponding checkbox and selecting the desired dates and times.


12. Next, determine if the student(s) need to have the timing adjusted for their quiz attempt: 


a.    If there is no time limit change for the special access attempt, select no changes

b.    If there is no required time limit for the student(s) to attempt the exam, select no time limit

c.     If there is only a suggested time limit for the student(s) to attempt the exam, and the student(s) are allowed to continue their exam attempt beyond the suggested time limit, then select the recommended time limit option and enter the amount of time that is suggested for student(s) in minutes. 

d.    If setting an absolute time limit on the quiz, select the enforced time limit option and enter the amount of time that is allotted for the student(s) in minutes within the New Time Limit field. Note: The original quiz time that is set for the entire class will be displayed.

                                               i.     There are additional options that will allow the time to be modified. If modifying the time limit, choose how the time limit should be adjusted by selecting either multiplier of original quiz time or extra time

1.    Multiplier of Original Quiz Time: This option multiplies the total enforced time limit for each quiz by the entered value. For example, a quiz that has an enforced time limit of 20 minutes is multiplied by 1.5 will result in an accommodation of 30 minutes granted. 

2.    Extra Time: This option will add the entered minute value to the enforced time limit of each quiz in the course. For example, a quiz that has an enforced time limit of 20 minutes with 20 minutes added will result in an accommodation of 40 minutes granted. 

                                              ii.     Additionally, the enforced time limit option also allows for a grace period to be added on top of the enforced time limit. If choosing to add a grace period, select the checkbox next to Assign an alternative grace period and enter the amount of time before the student(s) are flagged as having exceeded the time limit. 

1.    Furthermore, instructors can decide what happens to students’ quiz attempts once the enforced time limit and grace period have ended. If you would like to add an alternative behavior for exceeding the time limit, select the alternative behaviour checkbox and choose the desired action behavior for exceeding the time limit.  Options include:

a.    Allow the student to continue working. Students will need to manually submit their attempt with this option. 

b.    Prevent the student from making further changes. Students’ attempts will automatically be submitted on their behalf no matter where they are at in the quiz. 

c.     Allow the student to continue working, but the student’s attempt will automatically score the attempt as zero after an extended deadline.

b.    Determine if the student(s) with special access needs additional attempts for the quiz by selecting the override attempts allowed checkbox and then selecting the attempts allowed drop-down menu to add the number of attempts the student(s) may use to complete the quiz. 

a.    Once the number of attempts has been chosen, select apply

b.    If two or more attempts are allowed on the quiz for the students, the advanced attempt conditions will appear. This feature is optional and allows instructors to restrict access to additional attempts based on the instructor entering a minimum or maximum percentage that students need to achieve on the previous attempt to qualify for an additional attempt. For example, if the minimum percentage is 30% and the maximum is 80%, students who received scores that fall within the criteria (30-80%) will be eligible to re-attempt the quiz. Students that obtain either 0-29% or 81-100% will not qualify for another attempt. To enable the advanced attempt conditions, enter a minimum and maximum percentage score for each additional attempt that has been granted. 

Note: If the minimum and/or maximum percentage is left blank, the attempt conditions will not apply, and there is no restriction.


13. Select which student(s) in the class need special access by placing a checkmark by their name. If needed, use the search bar to search for the desired student(s) by name.


Note: If a student has a quiz accommodation that has been granted, the accommodation icon will be visible underneath the student’s name.  


14. Once finished selecting the special access conditions, select save at the bottom of the page.

a.    If the student that has been selected for special access has a quiz accommodation, a warning describing the impact of overwriting the accommodation will appear in a pop-up window. 

b.    Quiz-specific special access can overwrite an accommodation for any student on a quiz-by-quiz basis. Determine whether the quiz accommodation should be overridden by selecting override or cancel at the bottom of the pop-up window. 


15. Select save and close at the bottom of the page once again. 


16. Lastly, select save and close at the bottom of the quiz editor tool.