Create a Bonus Question


MyFIRE offers the option to add bonus questions within quizzes. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a bonus question. 


1.    Navigate to the desired course.

2.    Select instructor tools from the navigation bar. 


3.    Then select course admin from the drop-down menu.


4.    Locate and select quizzes from under the Assessment section. 


5.    When the page refreshes, a list of quizzes that are available in the course will be displayed. Locate the desired quiz. 


6.    Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the quiz title.


7.    Select edit from the drop-down menu. 


8.    When the page refreshes, under the Questions title, select create new to add a new question. If the question(s) have already been added or created in the quiz, skip to step 12


9.    Select new question from the drop-down menu to create a new question.

10. Then select the type of question that should be added by using the scroll bar to view all of the available options.


11. Fill out the needed information for the question that is being created. If needed, refer to the following tutorials for further directions on how to create the specific question type.

·       True or False Question (T/F)

·       Multiple Choice Question (MC)

·       Multi-Select Question (M-S)

·       Written Response Question (WR)

·       Short Answer Question (SA)

·       Multi-Short Answer Question (MSA)

·       Fill in the Blanks Question (FIB)

·       Matching Question (MAT)

·       Ordering Question (ORD)

·       Arithmetic Question (2+2)

·       Significant Figures Question (x10)

·       Likert Question (LIK)

12. Once the question has been created and the page refreshes, select the checkbox to the left of the question that is to be made a bonus question.


13. Then select more actions


14. A drop-down menu will then appear. Select toggle bonus


15. The question will then be marked as a bonus question in the quiz question list.


16. Select save and close at the bottom of the page.