Create a Multi-Select Question


There are many different types of questions that can be created within a quiz, self-assessment, survey, and question library. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a multi-select question within MyFIRE.

1.    Locate the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    Select instructor tools from the navigation bar. 


3.    Then select course admin from the drop-down menu.

4.    Locate and select quizzes from under the Assessment section. 


5.    When the page refreshes, select question library from the quiz navigation bar. 


6.    Once in the Question Library, select new.


7.    Next, select multi-select question from the drop-down menu.


8.    Enter the prompt in the question text field. For further instructions on the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial.


9.    Enter each answer option and select the checkbox for each correct answer

10. Select add answer to add any additional answer options.


11. Select the randomize answers order checkbox if the questions should be randomized for each student.


12. Give the question a point value.

13. Select the desired option for how points should be assigned using the drop-down menu. Options include all or nothing, correct selections, correct answers with limited selections, and right minus wrong selections. 

a.    For more information about each grading option, select which grading method should I choose?


14. Add the desired options to the question. The options drop-down menu allows you to add feedback, add a hint, add a short description, and change the enumeration if desired. 

a.    Add Feedback- Instructors can provide general feedback or commentary for students per answer choice. This feedback will be provided to all students.      

b.    Add Hint- This option allows instructors to provide hints for their students during the quiz attempt. 

                                               i.     Using the MyFIRE editor, instructors can also insert videos and format the hints as desired. For further instructions on the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial.

c.     Add Short Description- Instructors can provide a brief explanation or summary for each question.


d.    Add Enumeration- This option allows instructors to change the enumeration pattern for each answer selection to either show numbers, letters, or roman numerals.


15. Select save.