Create a Likert Question


There are many different types of questions that can be created within a quiz, self-assessment, survey, and question library. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a likert question within MyFIRE.

1.    Locate the desired course in MyFIRE.

2.    Select instructor tools from the navigation bar. 


3.    Then select course admin from the drop-down menu.


4.    Locate and select quizzes from under the Assessment section. 


5.    When the page refreshes, select question library from the quiz navigation bar. 


6.    Once in the Question Library, select new.


7.    Next, select likert question from the drop-down menu.


8.    If desired, give the question a title. The title displays in the question list within the question library.


9.    Enter the question prompt in the question text field. For further instructions on the MyFIRE editor textbox, refer to the utilize the MyFIRE editor tutorial.


10. Next, if desired, insert an image. If inserting an image, also ensure that alternative text has been entered to describe the image. Alternative text is important for ADA purposes, including screen-readers. 


11. Under the Questions section, choose which scale should be utilized.


12. Enter the options in the numbered fields.


a.    Add a new option by entering the number of new options desired and then select add option


13. Add feedback using the expand question feedback option.


14. Select save.